Happy Friday, Antioch!
I hope you had a great week!
Don’t worry about making plans for tomorrow night, I’ve taken care of that for you! I think you should head to downtown Antioch to enjoy the amenities of Sequoit Creek Park and listen to live music from local musician, the Comeback Kid, Keith Christophersen Jr., TCK (from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.), then enjoy dinner at one of the many outstanding restaurants in Downtown Antioch! Tomorrow will be a beautiful day to enjoy all that Downtown Antioch has to offer. I hope to see you there!
Also at the park, the Village’s Parks and Recreation Department has been hosting yoga classes at Sequoit Creek Park from Trillium Yoga! These yoga sessions are every weekend through the end of next month. For more information, visit: https://secure.rec1.com/IL/village-of-antioch/catalog/index/2f7d6e7a1347154f7fef6be3a530f53c?filter=c2VhcmNoPXlvZ2E=
Speaking of Sequoit Creek Park, I wanted to let you know now that the weather is getting cooler, the last day the splash pad will be operating will be Sunday, October 13th. The splash pad will be closed for the season starting Monday, October 14th.
This sounds like fun! Raymond Chevrolet Kia is hosting the 1st Annual Cars and Coffee Fall Classic tomorrow, September 28th at their dealership – 118 Route 173, Antioch. They’ll have classic and unique cars on display, plus free coffee and donuts from Lovin’ Oven! This looks like a great way to spend a fall morning! Visit the Raymond Chevrolet Kia Facebook page for more information.
After you’ve filled up with caffeine and sugar, head over to the Antioch Public Library for their blood drive, tomorrow! Vitalant is having a blood drive at the library beginning tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. Walk-ins are welcome, but you can also make an appointment at https://donors.vitalant.org, using group code ORD0344C.
Also tomorrow morning, the Antioch Traveling Closet Corporation NFP will be holding its next giveaway of clothing, toiletries, and essential items for families in need. The giveaway event will be tomorrow, Saturday, September 28 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the ATC’s location at 311 Depot Street. Please note that this event is only for residents of Antioch, Fox Lake, Ingleside, Lake Villa, Lindenhurst, Round Lake or Round Lake Park, Heights, or Beach. (IDs will be required to show residency). More information: https://antiochtravelingcloset.org
The Rotary Club of Antioch’s Pork Chop Dinner & Auction fundraiser will be held on October 5th. Tickets are available online or from Rotary Club members. For more information, visit: https://antiochrotary.org/SitePage/2024-dinner-and-auction
I hope you have a great weekend, and please remember to shop local!
Scott J. Gartner
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Upcoming Village Events:
October 4, 2024, Rotary Club of Antioch Pork Chop Dinner and Auction at the Antioch VFW
October 26, 2024, Treat the Streets / Harvest Fest – Downtown Antioch