Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

June 17, 2002
7:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Maravelas at 7:35 p.m. in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Anderson and Clerk Rowe. Absent: Trustee Foresta.
MINUTES A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to approve the May 20, 2002 minutes with the typographical error on page 4198 corrected and the following correction on page 4195:

Under the heading of Redevelopment; first paragraph; The Commission recommends that a comprehensive study of the financial and traffic impact, paid for by the developers to be completed before a decision is made on the Wal Mart development.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

BIDS Administrator Haley reviewed the bids received regarding the concrete slab for the Skate Park.

A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to award the bid to Swederski Concrete Construction for their low bid in the amount of $35,820.00 for the concrete slab for the skate park, and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

Administrator Haley reviewed the bids received regarding the 2002 Road Program.

A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Larson to award the bid to Payne and Dolan Inc. for their low bid in the amount of $273,877.35 for the 2002 Road Project, and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

AQUATIC WEEK After the Proclamation National Aquatic Week was read aloud, a motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve the Proclamation and declares July 14 - 20, 2002 as National Aquatic Week in the Village of Antioch. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
DEBRA PERGL A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to appoint Debra Pergl as secretary to the Planning and Zoning Board. On roll call, the vote was:

Following a brief discussion, the planning and zoning board secretary appointment will be tabled until after the board returns from executive session later this evening.

APPROPRIATION ORD. A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to schedule a public hearing regarding the annual appropriation ordinance for 7:00 P.M. on July 15, 2002. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Haley gave a brief report on the following items:

Report on Development of the Sewer User Charge System of the Village Antioch. This report was prepared by Harold Warren of Warren Associates, and was provided to the IEPA as required.

Application for 457 Plan, deferred compensation plan for employees. This plan enables employees who chooses to participate to save for retirement with pre-tax money and will be offered to employees at no cost to the Village.

A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Larson to authorize Administrator Haley to sign the 457 Plan application as discussed. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

CITIZENS Ms. Mary Turner, Wood Creek Drive resident, addressed the Board regarding the proposed WalMart development. Ms. Turner said that she is in favor of the development that she represents the silent majority that are in favor of the proposed WalMart. Ms. Turner also said that for years residents have had to leave our community for the majority of our shopping needs. She said that it is imperative to have a good tax base to keep Antioch strong, and she asked the Mayor and Board of Trustees to help the residents stay and shop in our own community. Ms. Turner also highlighted contributions local WalMart stores have given to their communities. Ms. Turner submitted 979 signatures asking the Village Board to make a choice based on the financial needs of our village.

Ms. Sandi Siegmeier, Circle Drive resident, provided a list of consultants for the board to consider for independent studies to be done regarding the proposed WalMart development.

Mr. Norm Geary, resident, said that if the WalMart development is approved, downtown Antioch will be destroyed. Mr. Geary said the village board should look at Round Lake where a WalMart is located. The Round Lake Schools are bankrupt and he feels this will happen to Antioch.

Ms. Sue Glenn, Spafford Street resident, questioned where people shop right now. She said anyone that has families, and older citizens cannot afford to shop in the Antioch area. She wants to spend her money in her community.

Ms. Heidi Mosley, First Street resident and employee of the assessors office, stated that Mr. Geary's facts are incorrect. Sales tax from the WalMart in Round Lake goes to the Grayslake Schools. She also said she would provide Mr. Geary with all the necessary paperwork if he would like them.

Ms. Jodi Gott, Pine Hill Drive resident, stated the current trends are downtowns with smaller stores. She would like to know why the village is going in the opposite direction. Ms. Gott discussed some recent studies done by California State University.

Mrs. Garnet Carney, Hillside Avenue resident, said that she has lived in this community for 65 years. She has worked for the village for 22 years and she and her husband own property on Main Street and in the Industrial Park. Downtown Antioch is a charming place for people to come, visit and shop. She went on to say that years ago this community had thriving stores, at that time, she shopped for everything in Antioch. She and her husband still shop for everything they can for in Antioch. However, she has 13 grandchildren, and she can not buy a pair of socks or pajamas in any store in Antioch. She said, "If we want to buy something we all get in our cars and go to Gurnee or Round Lake." Ms. Carney said she read the book regarding Slam Dunking WalMart and she feels our community already got slammed dunked when our community turned down the first Kmart store in the area. That store located in Round Lake, and then the Route 50 and Gurnee Mills shopping stores came in after that. She thinks it's time that people come to this community to enjoy this community, not move in here and tell everyone else to stay out because they don't want anything to change. She said she moved here when the sign said 400 people "we couldn't put up a fence then to keep people out and we can't put up a fence now." She also said that it's a shame that our tax money is being spent everyday in Kenosha, (Highway 50), Gurnee Mills and the shopping area in Round Lake. She hopes that the Board doesn't make another mistake and turn another store away.

Mr. Marc Lubkeman, Linden Lane resident, provided the Board with "Objections to the Power and Jurisdiction of the Village of Antioch to Act Upon These Zoning Requests, and Alternatively, Objections to the Merits of the Proposed Developments." He also provided a letter from Hey and Associates, Inc. Water Resources, Wetlands and Ecology. Mr. Marc Lubkeman also stated that he suspects that this situation can get pretty ugly and it may turn the community against itself. As a spokesperson for ARRG (Alliance of Residents for Responsible Growth) he would like to re-emphasize what they are trying to do. He said, "We organized ourselves to question the appropriateness of this kind of development, from the economic, traffic, environmental and the community standpoints." Mr. Lubkeman went on to say that ARRG is here for the village's use to gather information to make correct decisions. He hopes that it doesn't get personal and on personal levels with anyone. Mr. Lubkeman also submitted copies of approximately 600 signatures that are against oversized growth.

Trustee Pierce addressed an issue that occurred at the planning and zoning board meeting. Trustee Pierce said that he has no financial gains, there are no financial benefits to him from this proposal, there is nothing that he has gained from this proposal, and he very much disliked the innuendoes that were stated at the planning and zoning board meeting that some people might have some financial gains from this development. Trustee Pierce hopes that as we go along with this discussion, that Mr. Lubkeman continues to work with them.

Mr. Lubkeman apologized to Trustee Pierce for misunderstanding what was said at the planning and zoning board meeting. Mr. Lubkeman said that what he did say at the planning and zoning board meeting was "that he prays that no one has anything to gain from this proposal". Trustee Pierce stated that he is responding to Mr. Lubkeman in public that he doesn't and that he is sure that the other Trustees can say the same thing.

Mr. Tam Allman, Director of the Chamber of Commerce in the Village of Antioch thanked the village for all the support that is given to the festivals.

Mr. Paul Hedikine, submitted a copy of the July Consumer Report magazine which has an article regarding box stores.

Ms. Donna Haley, Hillandale Drive resident, said that she owns four properties in the village and that she shops at Jewel in Antioch every week because it is convenient. She happened to be in WalMart in Round Lake for computer paper and she noticed that they have two isles of food in the store. She noticed that some items were on her grocery list. She compared the prices of Oscar Meyer hotdogs and hotdog buns. While in the Jewel Food Store, she saw the same items for at least $1.50 more than what she paid for at WalMart. She went on to say that the Antioch Jewel is the highest priced Jewel in Lake County. Ms. Haley said that if she can save $25.00 a week, she is all for it. She went on to say that she is concerned with all the issues of traffic and environmental impact, however, she is also concerned about her financial spending and that she would like to keep her money in Antioch.

Mr. Ron Horton, asked those that are opposed to the proposed development, if they are opposed to the store type, such as WalMart, or any big box store in general. Those in the audience that are not in favor of the proposed development indicated that they are opposed to any big box store.

Ms. Janice Gandolfi said that she is not in favor of WalMart but if it were approved, could it be a smaller store instead of the super WalMart.

HOME TOWNE ELEC. A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to deny the request from Home Towne Electric for re-zoning from R-1 to M1 at 453 Main Street, PZB02-04. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

Trustee Larson said the reason she seconded the motion to deny was because this property is located on Route 83 and backed up to Oakwood Knolls subdivision. The planning and zoning board recommended an 80 foot buffer and the petitioner felt they should have 50 feet or less. Trustee Larson's concern is to protect the residents that are there now.

PZB02-08 The following planning and zoning board letter of recommendation dated June 12, 2002 regarding the proposed zoning change from R-1 to M-1; amended request to B-3; 335 Main Street; Jeff Andre, was reviewed:

The Combined Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing on June 13, 2002 following notification as required by State Law and Village Ordinance.

The written petition filed is a request to change the zoning classification from the existing R-1 Single-Family Residential Dwelling District to M-1, Limited Manufacturing District. The petitioner's short range plans are to establish his offices for hi painting contracting business in the existing residential structure. No manufacturing or processing is contemplated by such use. Mr. Andre's long range plans are unclear at this time.

Following the Board's deliberation, Jeff Andre verbally amended his petition to request B-3, instead of M-1. When his long-range plans are determined, he may return with another request for zoning change. B-3 zoning would allow him to proceed with his short-range plans.

Village Planner Bob Silhan and Village Engineer Jim Keim testified that they had no objection to the proposed rezoning. Mr. Silhan's written report indicates that the proposed zoning is in substantial compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, which indicates industrial for the site. Staff also suggests that an approval be conditioned upon the following:

The use of any structure must comply with the Building and Life Safety Codes within Chapter 151 of the Village Code, which includes by reference to BOCA and NFPA codes certain Use Group, Construction Type and related regulations;

The project must comply with Chapter 161 of the Village Code, which adopts by reference the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance;

Insofar as North Avenue in front of the property is Lake County right-of-way, a permit for driveway access may be required given the change of use from residential; and

Any approval by ordinance take place following receipt of written documentation from IDNR that the consultation process is concluded relative to the Endangered Species Act.

Following further discussion, Bob McCarty moved, Tom Baba seconded, that the amended petition for B-3, file number PZB02-08, for 335 North Avenue be recommended for APPROVAL, with the conditions set forth by staff. Upon roll call vote: YES: 4; McCarty, LaReese, Keller, and Baba. NO: . ABSENT: 2; Ipsen and F. Johnson. THE MOTION CARRIED.

VB MOTION A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Hanson to approve the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation as stated in their letter dated June 14, 2002, regarding the zoning change request from R-1 to B-3 for the property located at 335 North Avenue, PZB02-08, and authorizes the Village Attorney to draft the appropriate ordinances. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
PZB 02-09 The following Planning and Zoning Board's letter of recommendation dated June 14, 2002 regarding the proposed zoning text change to Section 150.077, relating to fences; PZB02-09 was reviewed:

The Combined Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing on June 13, 2002 following notification as required by State Law and Village Ordinance.

Village Planner Bob Silhan presented the proposal. Mr. Silhan suggests that the fence regulations be amended to allow for fences in front yards and corner side yards, provided that they are no more than 48 inches in height, and no more than 50 percent opaque. Furthermore, fences on those properties which front on one of the eleven lakes known as the Chain O' Lakes, and which are 18,000 square feet in area or greater, may have front yard fences of 6 feet in height.

There were four people in the audience who testified regarding this proposal. Three residents from the north end of Bowles Road, Ken Wisnewski, Dick Andrews and Gene Villoni, each testified that they were in favor of the proposed amendment. Mr. Jerry Gunderson, who resides at the corner of Ridgewood and Hawthorne in the Woods of Antioch expressed some concern about the proposal. Primarily, Mr. Gunderson seemed to be most concerned about the example of picket fence, indicating that such fences are prohibited by the Wood's restrictive covenants. The critical matter however, is that the fences be at least 50 percent open from a child-safety perspective; the specific style of the fence would not be dictated by ordinance.

Attorney Don Anderson noted that the parenthetical phrase, "(excluding decorative fences)" was no longer needed. Bob Silhan concurred, pointing out that the allowable dimensions for decorative fences would fall within the allowable dimensions for fences in front and corner side yards. It was also noted in proposed subsection (D), that the last line should read: "...may have a fence up to six feet (6')..."

Following further discussion, Kyle LaReese moved, Carol Keller seconded, that the proposed amendment to Section 150.077, file number PZB02-09, be recommended for APPROVAL, with minor changes as noted. Upon roll call vote: YES: 4; McCarty, LaReese, Keller and Baba. NO: 0. ABSENT: 2; Ipsen and F. Johnson. THE MOTION CARRIED.

VB MOTION A motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to approve the Planning and Zoning Board's letter of recommendation dated June 14, 2002 regarding the proposed zoning text change to Section 150.077 relating to fences, PZB02-09, and authorizes the village attorney to draft the appropriate ordinance. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4; Pierce, Larson, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 1; Caulfield.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
HERB BEHRENBRUCH The request from Mr. Behrenbruch dated June 6, 2002 concerning waiver of boundary agreements to allow annexation of approximately 13.75 Acres on the North Side of Grass Lake Road at the intersection with Wittenburg Road to the Village of Lake Villa was reviewed.

Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Porch to deny the request by Mr. Herb Behrenbruch as stated above. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 1; Larson.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

IMPACT STUDIES Robert Silhan, Director of Planning, Zoning and Building reviewed his memo dated June 14, 2002 regarding the recommendation for consultants concerning review of traffic and financial impact studies. Mr. Silhan said that both he and Staff Engineer Jim Keim addressed the Planning and Zoning Board with their recommendations to retain the services of Smith Engineering to review and analyze the traffic impact study as submitted by Great Lakes Principals.

Mr. Silhan recommended that the village retain Valerie S. Kretchmer Associates to review the financial impact. Planning and Zoning Board member Bob McCarty moved, and Member Kyle LaReese seconded that planning and zoning Board concur with staffs recommendation. The four members present, McCarty, LaReese, Keller and Baba voted yes; the motion carried.

Following discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Pierce, seconded by Trustee Larson to direct staff to further define the scope of the services and costs regarding the impact studies. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

RULES AND POLICIES Trustee Pierce said he feels the Village Board should consider defining rules and policies regarding public comments at meetings. Trustee Pierce will be distributing copies of the Lake County Board's public comments rules and policies for discussion at a future date.
ICE CREAM TRUCKS Trustee Pierce said that he doesn't expect a change this year, he made a motion to authorize the village attorney to draft an ordinance to ban ice cream trucks in the village next year.

Trustee Larson said that she called the police department to see if there have been any complaints regarding the ice cream truck. There were none and their license is current.


HERMANN & HERMANN A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of $95,354.51 to Hermann & Hermann for Deercrest legal services. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
HINSHAW & CULBERTSON A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize payment of $75,191.36 to Hinshaw & Culbertson for Deercrest legal services. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
AUTHORIZE PAYMENT A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Porch to authorize payment of the remaining accounts payable as prepared by the Village Treasurer with the exception of check numbers 33994 and 33972. Check number 33994 will be replaced with a check in the amount of $12,000 to Daniels, Long and Pinsel. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
MANUAL CHECKS A motion was made by Trustee Caulfield, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve the manual checks written date for the payroll, general and the water and sewer accounts for the months of May and June, except check 33943. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

Trustee Porch left the Board Room at 8:50 p.m.

Trustee Porch returned to the Board Room at 8:55 p.m.

JAMES YANECEK Trustee Hanson read aloud the letter of resignation from Officer James Yanecek. A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Larson to accept Officer's Yanecek resignation effective June 27, 2002. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
LETTERS OF APPRECIATION Trustee Hanson read aloud letters of appreciation from Anthony Viverito regarding Officer John Laskowski's assistance on June 3, 2002; A letter from Tim Stubbs to Bill Smith, Superintendent of Public Works; and from Karen Kuzmicki, Antioch Garden Club to the public works department and employee Tom Dvorak for his assistance with landscaping the band shell area.
PARK BOARD Mr. Chris Leinhardt, Park Board Chairman, thanked Mayor Maravelas and the Board of Trustees for his appointment as Chairman of the Antioch Park Board. Mr. Leinhardt also thanked Mrs. Vickie Axton, former Park Board Chairman, for her many years of service and dedication to the park board. Mr. Leinhardt expressed his thanks to Trustee Foresta who has shown interest in the formation of a park district and outlined a few items that would need to be done. He said the first thing the park board is doing is a needs assessment for the users of the facilities, (village/township or out of town). If there is a formation of a park district, there will be a transition plan in place to turn the park property over to the district; form a task force regarding the formation of a park district; form a panel to come up with ideas for direction; and schedule public meetings to discuss mission. Mr. Leinhardt discussed the condition of the pool and the need to replace it. Mr. Leinhardt listed items from the approved Park Improvement Plans that are still outstanding. Mayor Maravelas said that this administration is committed to help the park board out. He reviewed the legal costs experienced to date by the village. Administrator Haley said that there is no question that the money collected in prior years went to pay the bills. Mr. Haley appreciates and supports the park district proposal. Currently, there is $200,000 year out of general revenue to run the park programs which doesn't included the pool. Mr. Haley said that installation of the equipment and the re-seeding of North Park will be addressed. Mr. Lienhardt said to look for Friends of the Park Program announcements to be in the papers.
RAFFLE LICENSE A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Hanson to issue a raffle license to the Antioch Lions Club with raffles being sold from July 4 through August 4, 2002, waiving fee. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
PARK PERMITS A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Porch to issue park permits to:

Phillip & Barbara Lindgren - Pedersen Park - 6/23/02

Marie Vos - Williams Park - 7/7/02

Joanne Dexheimer - Pedersen Park - 8/3/02

Gerhard Kriens - Williams Park - 8/18/02

Jim Kauth - Williams Park - 9/14/02

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

BLOCK PARTIES A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Hanson to approve the following block party requests and notifying the police and public works departments:

Paul Serio - Hidden Creek - June 30, 2002

Christine Lenz - Tiffany Farms - July 4, 2002

Jackie Stewart - Pine Hill Lakes - July 27, 2002
On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

PAGEANTS Trustee Larson said the Miss Antioch, Junior Miss Antioch and Little Miss Antioch will be held on June 22, 2002 at the Antioch High School.
SENIOR CENTER A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Pierce to authorize the Antioch Senior Services committee to interview architects regarding the senior citizen building. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson said that the U.S. Supreme Court's issued a decision today involving a village in Ohio and the Jehovah Witnesses. Essentially, the Supreme Court ruled that a village ordinance, which required a payment of a fee for door to door solicitation, was unconstitutional as applied to the religious group. As a result of that decision, it would be prudent for the village to review the solicitation ordinance to make sure it complies with the dictate of the Supreme Court.
02-06-15 A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Pierce to waive the second reading and approve and publish in pamphlet form, an ordinance, 02-06-15, entitle, ORDINANCE REGARDING ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING A TWELVE MONTH TIME FROM DENIAL TO RE-FILING OF A PETITION. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.

Attorney Anderson read aloud the following ordinance:

First Reading: An Ordinance to Amend 01-08-25 to include the New Prevailing Wage Rate. This item will be placed on the July 15, 2002 agenda for consideration.

EXECUTIVE SESSION A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson for the Mayor and Board of Trustees to go into executive session at 9:30 p.m. to discuss pending litigation and personnel. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
RETURN A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Pierce for the Mayor and Board of Trustees to return from executive session to the open meeting at 10:45 p.m. with action to be taken. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
DEBRA PERGL A motion was made by Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to appoint Debra Pergl as secretary to the Planning and Zoning Board. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5; Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch and Hanson.
NO: 0.
ABSENT: 1; Foresta.
ADJOURN A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Caulfield to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 10:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Candi L. Rowe, Clerk

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