Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

February 2, 2004


CALL TO ORDER Mayor Maravelas called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Long and Clerk Monroe.
MINUTES 01/05/2004 A motion was made by Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve the minutes from the January 5, 2004 meeting as presented. On roll call the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

MINUTES 01/14/2004 A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson to approve the minutes from the January 14, 2004 meeting with the following corrections:

• On page 4525, change Mr. Renshaw to Mr. Rench
• On page 4525, change Mr. Dazisky to Mr. Dziki
• On page 4526, add motion that no action was taken and the meeting was closed

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

MINUTES 01/20/2004 A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Turner to approve the minutes from the January 20, 2004 meeting as presented. On roll call the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

MINUTES 01/26/2004 A motion was made by Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Pierce to approve the minutes from the January 26, 2004 meeting with the following corrections:

• On page 4539, create new paragraph starting with…. Trustee Caulfield states that a lot of the job descriptions…

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

PETITIONS Bids – Trustee Pierce explained that the bids opened for the Senior Center Addition and Alterations on January 28, 2004 at 2:00 pm. There were a total of 18 bids; the highest bid was for $654,000 and the lowest was for $354,666. Trustee Pierce made a motion to accept the bids into the record. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Trustee Pierce made a second motion to authorize the Village staff to work with Architect Alan Belli to review the bids and determine the appropriate bid. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

MAYOR Lori Folbrick – Mayor Maravelas asked Administrator Probst to read the letter of resignation from Treasurer Lori Folbrick. Administrator Probst read the letter to the Board.

Antioch Chamber of Commerce Donation – Mayor Maravelas informed the Board of a $5,000 check from the Antioch Chamber of Commerce for the SMC Floodplain review. He stated that Mr. Pierce is going to bill SMC for the remainder. Trustee Pierce stated that he talked with Lake County Board Member Judy Martini and they had a discussion with SMC and a formal letter from the Village Board and the Mayor, requesting reimbursement of the money, would be needed. He suggested that the reimbursement be for the Village and the Chamber of Commerce. Trustee Porch stated she felt the reimbursement should be for the full amount. Mayor Maravelas agreed. Trustee Porch stated the full amount is about $7,200. Mayor Maravelas asked Trustee Pierce to make arrangements. Trustee Pierce stated that he would work with Administrator Probst.

American Cancer Society – Mayor Maravelas introduced Krista Rudd, from the American Cancer Society, to give a presentation regarding the cancer burden in Antioch and a community event that will be hosted in Antioch. Ms. Rudd provided figures regarding the cancer burden in Antioch and compared the numbers to Lake County’s numbers. She then informed the Board of the upcoming kick-off meeting for the Relay For Life of Antioch and explained the Relay For Life of Antioch. She asked for the Boards support for the Relay For Life of Antioch.

Camp Fire USA – Mayor Maravelas asked Clerk Monroe to read a letter from Camp Fire USA. Clerk Monroe read the letter requesting that the Camp Fire USA be allowed to sell candy in the Village between February 5 – 28, 2004. Trustee Porch made a motion to allow the candy to be sold. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

CITIZENS Education Referendum – Mr. Steve Turner and Dr. John Hunt presented on the District 34 Education Referendum. A slide show was included in the presentation. At the end of the presentation Mr. Turner asked the Board if they had any questions. He stated that he or Dr. Hunt could be contacted for questions, if any arose.
PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING Building Official Position – Trustee Turner stated that this matter was discussed during the January 29, 2004 Planning, Zoning and Building Committee meeting. She explained that the construction workload, for this up coming construction season, is going to increase significantly. Based on history, building permit requests in the months of April through September are above average. To ensure that a Master Building Official is on staff before the construction season begins, advertisement for the position must occur now. This advertisement is subject to the Fiscal Year 04/05 budget. The position of Master Building Official would require certification through the International Code Council. The Master Building Official position would entail inspections, updating code and testifying in court.

Trustee Turner stated that the Planning, Zoning and Building Committee agreed with the staff recommendation, for an advertised salary not to exceed $55,000. The increase in permit activities will create the revenue to support the position. Trustee Turner motioned to advertise for the Master Building Official, subject to the Fiscal Year 04/05 budget. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. Trustee Pierce asked if the ad would indicate that the position is subject to approval of the Village budget. Trustee Turner responded it would be. Trustee Porch asked if it was common to advertise that way. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Other Business – Trustee Turner read a letter from Fire Chief Dennis Volling. The letter was in regards to the outdated price of the Antioch Fire Department impact fees. The Fire Department is suggesting that the impact fees increase to $650 per dwelling and $.50 per square foot for commercial developments.

Mayor Maravelas asked if there was a representative from the Fire Department in the audience. Mr. Chris Leinhardt was present. Mr. Leinhardt stated he would be able to answer any questions. He also provided some additional information regarding the increase in impact fees. Mayor Maravelas summarized that Mr. Leinhardt was making a recommendation to Senior Planner George Sakas to have figures together for the next Board meeting.

Trustee Larson stated that she had a question regarding the structure of the impact fees. The current structure is based on the number of bedrooms in the dwelling. She questioned the cost of a 12-unit apartment building, would the cost still be $650? She wants to ensure that the Fire Department is getting enough money. Mr. Leinhardt stated that he would work with Senior Planner George Sakas and Director of Planning, Zoning and Building Bob Silhan to make sure the fees were correct. Attorney Long explained that the apartment would be defined by dwelling unit. Trustee Larson reiterated that she wanted to make sure that the Fire Department was getting as much money as possible. Mayor Maravelas confirmed that Mr. Leinhardt and Senior Planner George Sakas would have information for the next Board meeting. Trustee Turner stated that George would be putting together numbers. Senior Planner George Sakas stated he would put together a comparison of all of the Village impact fees.

INDUSTRIAL, RETIAL, REDEVELOPMENT, CIVIC AND COMMUNICATIONS Trustee Porch indicated that she had no report.
FINANCE AND ADMINISTATOR Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable – Trustee Caulfield motioned to authorize payment of the remaining accounts payable in the amount of $130,359.41, as prepared by the Village Treasurer. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Manual Checks – Trustee Caulfield motioned to approve the manual checks written to date for the water and sewer account in the amount of $28,549.06, the payroll account in the amount of $14,149.94, the Dolly Spiering Fund in the amount of $1,723.01, the general account in the amount of $143,567.05 and the police pension fund in the amount of $179.08. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

December Financial Statement – Trustee Caulfield motioned to accept the financial statement for the month of December 2003 as presented. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Approve Bank Signature Changes – Trustee Caulfield requested that Administrator Probst explain before he moved. Administrator Probst explained that with the turnover in personnel and the changes to the Village financial situation, the bank account signature card needs to be updated. The Mayor will continue to be on the signature card and both Administrator Probst and Lori Davis will be added to the signature card. Trustee Caulfield asked if Administrator Probst is asking for a motion to add Mayor Taso Maravelas, Alan Probst and Lori Davis as signers. Administrator Probst stated that was correct. Trustee Caulfield as asked if any signers would be removed. Administrator Probst stated that the signers that are no longer employed by the Village would be removed. Trustee pierce motioned the approval of the signature card changes and Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. Trustee Porch asked if it was correct that three signatures were required. Administrator Probst stated that was correct. Trustee Porch inquired what would occur if one of the three signers were not available to sign a check. Trustee Larson stated she thought only two signatures were required. Attorney Long stated that he believed that smaller checks only required two signatures and larger checks required three. Administrator Probst stated that once the Finance Director is hired, then Lori Davis could remain as a signer, as a back up. Trustee Pierce suggested approving the motion as it is tonight, while Administrator Probst checks into the dollar amount requiring three signatures. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Authorize IT Hardware – Trustee Caulfield stated that he is not prepared to move on the item, unless Administrator Probst has information he can share with the Board. Administrator Probst stated that new software and the hardware to support the software is essential. He asked for the Boards approval to start getting bids on new hardware and software. Trustee Caulfield asked where he would be getting the specifications. Administrator Probst stated that he had already looked into some software and worked with the vendor to determine what else might be needed. Trustee Caulfield stated he wasn’t aware that the Board approved the acquisition of software and that would make it hard to provide specifications to a hardware provider. Trustee Porch asked if the software needs should be explored before the hardware needs. Trustee Caulfield responded that generally the software that will be run on the computer should be known before the computer is purchased. Trustee Pierce stated that he provided Administrator Probst with another company to work with. He also stated that he felt Administrator Probst should be able to gather information on the type of hardware and software needed and provide it to the Board. Mayor Maravelas agreed that Administrator Probst should be able to gather the information and make a recommendation to the Board.

Retention of Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske & Schiffman, Ltd – Trustee Caulfield stated that as a result of the committee meeting the Board is not prepared to move on either of the proposals from Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske & Schiffman (GMCS). Instead, the Board is willing to allow Administrator Probst and the Financial Director, once one is hired, to implement the changes. Administrator Probst will have a budget, not to exceed $25,000, available to work with GMCS on any items Administrator Probst or the Financial Director are not able to handle. Trustee Caulfield made a motion to authorize a budget, not to exceed $25,000, to Administrator Probst. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. Trustee Larson stated that her understanding was that the $25,000 would be provided to Administrator Probst to implement the items from the 70-page GMCS report. However, Administrator Probst does not have to work with GMCS to implement the specialized items. Trustee Larson asked Trustee Porch if that was what she proposed. Trustee Porch stated that Administrator Probst and the Financial Director should have the ability to work with any firm they choose.

Retention of Goldberg, Mechales, Charneske & Schiffman, Ltd – Trustee Caulfield amended his motion to authorize Administrator Probst up to $25,000 to work with any firm of his discretion, to get the financial advice that he needs. Trustee Hanson amended his second. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Other Business – Mayor Maravelas asked Administrator Probst to explain to the Board the problems the Village has regarding some bills. Administrator Probst explained that one of the bills was from Morrison and Morrison, in the amount of $9,805.18. This bill is in regards to the easement on Rte. 173, for the additional work due to the legal descriptions of the easements. The easements were in the wrong places or improperly described. Mayor Maravelas asked if the Board approved the bill. Administrator Probst stated the bill was approved.

Administrator Probst read another bill from AT&T, regarding Police dispatch. The bill is unpaid in the amount of 459.08, of which 229.54 is past due. The bill was dated January 26, 2004. Mayor Maravelas suggested that he and the Board work very closely with the Finance Chairman to get these taken care of as soon as possible; especially, since there are more than just the AT&T bill.

Other Business – Trustee Caulfield asked that the record of this meeting include the two proposals that the Finance Committee looked over. As well, that the handout provided at the committee meeting, regarding the money saving potential to the Village, if the recommendations were implemented, be included in the record. Trustee Caulfield wanted to state that he is pleased that the Board approved money to Administrator Probst to move forward and to seek financial help. However, he is disappointed at the pace that the Board is trying to remedy the financial situation.

PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES Trustee Hanson indicated that he had no report.
PARKS AND LICENSE Intergovernmental Agreement – Trustee Larson stated that the Township had already had their two representatives and an alternate. She would like to see the Board appoint the two representatives and an alternate. Trustee Larson motioned that she and Trustee Turner be the representatives and that Trustee Porch be the alternate. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Liquor License – Trustee Larson motioned to issue a one-day liquor license to the Antioch Junior Women’s Comedy Club Night, on March 6, 2004 and to waive the fee. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Tag Day Request – Trustee Larson motioned to allow the request of the Antioch American Legion Auxiliary Unit 748 to sell Poppies between May 27 – 29, 2004. Trustee Turner seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

885 Civic Club Request – Trustee Larson motioned to allow the 885 Civic Club to hold their annual carnival between May 6 – 9, 2004. Trustee Larson stated she would like to have the Village Administrator, Public Works and the Police Department work with the 885 Civic Club to shorten the set up time. Trustee Porch indicated that she would like to see the set up time comply with the set up time for the Chamber sponsored carnival. Trustee Larson explained that is why her motion included shortening the set up time. Mayor Maravelas indicated that he was sure that the 885 Civic Club would like to cooperate with the Village. Margaret Cole, member of the 885 Civic Club, was in the audience and stated that the carnival would be set up in the shortest time possible that would not jeopardize the safety of the rides. She also indicated that there was 885 Civic Club meeting coming up and she would make sure she discussed this. Trustee Turner seconded the motion. Trustee Caulfield stated that he was uncomfortable not having a specific start and finish date and felt that the motion should include specific dates. He also stated that he felt there should be more signage indicating when the road would be closed. Mayor Maravelas responded by saying that he felt the Village was better educated on past mistakes and Public Works and the Police Department are better prepared for these events. Trustee Caulfield stated that he was not aware of a plan thought would eliminate past issues with set up and take down. Trustee Pierce stated that he thought it might be a good idea for Trustee Porch, Chairman of Industrial, Retail, Redevelopment, Civic and Communications, to establish policies and procedures for carnival set up and take down. He also stated that perhaps Trustee Caulfield could head the sub-committee that would create the policies and procedures. Trustee Caulfield welcomed the opportunity but declined the project.

Trustee Porch agreed with Trustee Pierce and she suggested holding off on approving the motion until the 885 Civic Club meeting, so the Village could meet with the 885 Civic Club to see if the time frames could be meet. Ms. Cole asked what time frame the Village wanted for set up. Trustee Porch suggested that set-up start first thing the morning before the carnival opens. Trustee Caulfield indicated that he was not advocating the Board to decline the motion, but that there be concrete time frames that Public Works and the Police Department are aware of. Trustee Larson stated that she wanted to make sure that the carnival company, for the 885 Civic Club Annual Carnival, understand that they were not to use Orchard Street as a storage area from one event to another. Mayor Maravelas suggested that the 885 Civic Club meet with the Police Department and Public Works. Ms. Cole stated that they had already met with those departments. Trustee Caulfield indicated that he felt this was a Village issue and that the Village needed to be better prepared for these types of events. James Cole, 285 Chestnut Street, asked if the 885 Civic Club could move the carnival back to Toft Street, if the Village set up time could not be meet. Trustee Pierce stated that he would be willing to work with Trustee Porch to create a process for future events. Mayor Maravelas also volunteered to help. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Pierce, Larson, Hanson and Turner
NO: 1: Caulfield
Pass: 1: Porch

CorLands Report – Trustee Larson stated that this report was cancelled due to the weather. This will be added to a future Board meeting agenda.

Executive Session – Trustee Larson stated that she would like to have an executive session regarding the purchase of property.

ENGINEERING AND SENIOR SERVICES Sequoit Creek Update – Trustee Pierce introduced Lee Shannon to provide information on the clean up of Sequoit Creek. Mr. Shannon stated that he is working with the Fox Waterway Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the clean up. The creek has been divided into five sections. The first section, south of the Rte. 173 Bridge to the Tiffany Road Bridge, requires dredging the silt buildup at the mouth of the creek. Written permission from the property owner will be necessary, to start the process.

After a meeting with the Fox Waterway Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers, it was suggested that a high ground dumping area, in the Village, be pursued. The suggested property is the future park area south of Depot Street. The silt and other soils from the dredging process will enable grass to grow on a site that is currently mostly clay. It was also suggested that “jurisdictional determination” be conducted on this property. This could qualify the property as a soil dumpsite and save the Village a large sum of money in dump and trip fees. If this site is approved, the permit process could be expedited by 90 days. Permission from each property owner must be granted, to start the permit process.

Due to the timing of the permit process, the physical clean up will be held up until August. August was chosen due to historically being a very dry month, this will enable to heavy machinery to have access to the area with minimal damage to vegetation.

A public presentation will be available, in the future. The presentation will include the goals of the clean up and the procedures to keep the project safe.

Mr. Shannon stated that he was looking for the Board to approve a letter of permission to get the permit process started. The letter of permission has to come from the property owners. The property owners in question are the Village of Antioch, Antioch Township and School District #117. Jurisdictional determination may make the permit process unnecessary. Trustee Pierce motioned to authorize the Village Attorney to draft the appropriate letters. Trustee Larson seconded to motion. On role call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Senior Center Addition – Trustee Pierce stated that this was covered when the Senior Center Addition and Alteration Bid Opening was discussed.

Other Business – Trustee Pierce wanted to thank the Village Board for proceeding ahead with getting the easement issues straightened out. After researching the issue, it was determined that the original easements were designed by Clark Dietz and had sewer and water running along side each other. Since the water and sewer were running along side of each other, the easements had to be enlarged. Trustee Pierce thanked the Board again for approving the expenditures to get the easements resolved.

Other Business – Trustee Pierce provided information from the Senior Counsel meeting. John Pecci had 77 chairs reupholstered for the Senior Center. Trustee Pierce wanted the Board to acknowledge Mr. Pecci’s good work. Another item was the preprogrammed cell phones for seniors; this ties into the reverse 911 systems.

Other Business – Trustee Porch stated that Mark Scarpelli, from Raymond Chevrolet, would be at the next Board meeting to present an eight-person van to the Senior Center. The van will be titled to the Village.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY Executive Session – Attorney Long stated that one Trustee requested an executive session for personnel and another for the purchase of property. A motion was made by Trustee Hanson and seconded by Trustee Porch for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to move into executive session at 9:09 pm. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Return – Trustee Porch made a motion for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to return from Executive Session to the open meeting at 9:54, with no action taken. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Trustee Hanson and seconded by Trustee Porch to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 9:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,


Amy S. Monroe,
Village Clerk

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