Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois

Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL
May 26, 2004

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Maravelas called the special meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:09 pm in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas and Clerk Monroe. Absent: Trustee Larson and Attorney Long.
MAYOR World War II Proclamation – Clerk Monroe read the proclamation. Trustee Turner made a motion, seconded by Trustee Caulfield, to honor the proclamation. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Pierce, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 1: Larson

Ordinance 04-05-21 – Clerk Monroe read the ordinance. Trustee Caulfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to waive the second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 04-05-21, entitled AN ORDINANCE IMPLEMENTING THE PROVISIONS OF THE STATE OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES ETHICS ACT (5 ILCS 430/1-1 ET SEQ.). On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Pierce, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 1: Larson

Re-Appoint Roger V. Manderscheid and Roger Sorenson – Mayor Maravelas stated that he was recommending that Roger V. Manderscheid and Roger Sorenson be re-appointed to the Police Pension Fund.

Trustee Pierce stated that Mr. Manderscheid is an officer at a local bank and asked if that was considered to be a conflict of interest reported in the Goldberg, Charneske, Mechales and Schiffman (GMCS) report. Mayor Maravelas stated that the Police requested the re-appointments.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Pierce, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 1: Larson

Other Business – Trustee Hanson asked Mayor Maravelas if he wanted to discuss the meeting that they had the other morning. Trustee Hanson stated that the meeting was in relation to signing a declaration regarding continuing employment for employees that are called to military duty. Trustee Pierce asked if Trustee Hanson was referring to ESGR. Trustee Hanson and Mayor Maravelas responded that they were. Trustee Pierce explained that ESGR provides information on the rules for military employees.

Mayor Maravelas stated that he apologized; he thought that someone would be here from ESGR to provide more information. Trustee Hanson explained that ESGR wanted the Mayor to sign the Declaration and made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the Declaration. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Pierce, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 1: Larson

PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING Status Report: Great Lakes Principal/Wal-Mart Project – Director of Planning, Zoning and Building Silhan stated that this was is the largest commercial project to date and he wanted to give a status update. He stated that a site permit and a building permit were issued on September 10, 2003 and at the time there was an estimated 11-month construction period. The building is about 75% done at this time and is targeted to open in October.

Director Silhan stated that with every project changes can be expected. He stated that along Route 173 and Deep Lake road there were some issues that required amendments to the plan. He stated that the amendments have been shown to IDOT and a letter has been received from IDOT insinuating that a permit will be issued for the road improvements. He stated that this time frame means that the road change timing could be tight with the anticipated opening. Given that, Manhard Consulting has prepared an interim plan, which has been reviewed and approved by IDOT. Director Silhan introduced Tracy Richard from Manhard Consulting.

Mr. Richard explained that the plan he brought is an interim plan and that the intention is to do the full improvements. He stated that the interim plan allows for re-striping of Route 173 to create a left hand turn lane. He also stated that Lake County is on track to provide a permit by the end of June for construction on Deep Lake Road.

Status Report: Great Lakes Principal/Wal-Mart Project cont’d – Trustee Caulfield verified that Mr. Richard’s was saying that in case the road widening is not completed in time that the striping will be done as a contingency. Mr. Richard stated that is correct.

Trustee Caulfield asked how the contingency plan would impact the road improvements. Mr. Richard stated that the interim plan guarantees that the final plan is done. Trustee Caulfield verified that the interim plan would not replace the road improvements. Mr. Richard stated that it would not.

Trustee Porch asked Mr. Richard if he feels there will be a delay for the permits. Mr. Richard stated that both the State and the County have said they feel they can provide the permits by the end of June. Trustee Porch asked why it has taken so long to get the permits. Mr. Richard stated that there have been substantial changes to the design. Director Silhan explained that the Village and Manhard tried to get Mr. Hortis and the State to agree on a plan that would include the property currently involved in a lawsuit but couldn’t. He then explained that they had to change the plan and that then impacted easements.

Trustee Turner stated that she just wanted to protect the Village, regarding sales tax and ensure that Wal-Mart opens on time.

INDUSTRIAL, RETAIL, REDEVELOPMENT, CIVIC AND COMMUNICATIONS Other Business – Trustee Porch reminded everyone of the Memorial Dedication that started at 12:00 pm on Saturday, May 29, 2004.
PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES Trustee Hanson indicated that there is no written report.
PARKS AND LICENSE Trustee Hanson indicated that there is no written report.
ENGINEERING AND SENIOR SERVICES Trustee Pierce indicated that there is no written report.
ATTORNEY Mayor Maravelas indicated there is no written report.
FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATOR Approval of Fiscal Year 04/05 Budget – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Caulfield asked Administrator Probst to comment on the changes, but before he does that, he stated he would like to commend Administrator Probst and the staff. He stated that there was an excellent presentation this past Monday that was easy to understand. Trustee Porch stated she wanted to second Trustee Caulfield’s comments. Mayor Maravelas stated that he has been involved with the Village since 1995 and that as a Trustee he had difficulty understanding the budget and this budget is something that everyone can understand.

Administrator Probst stated that he made the changes per discussion on Monday night and that new copies were distributed. He reviewed the items that were changed: Senior Operating Fund for conferences, travel, membership and gas, $20,000.00 added to 45-414 for road repairs, Parks, Expense Recovery reduced by $23,000.00, Bond payment due date, Hotel/Motel, the $50,000.00 donation to the Clock Tower Fund, $2600.00 for a laptop and the requested salary changes. He stated that after a change in some of the state shared revenues, changes in the budget and money for the joint Township and Village Park that there was enough money available to make the above changes and still make the budget balance. He stated that there are two errors that were made, the salary for Finance Clerk should be $30,867.00 and the GIS Cad Tech should be $35,276.00 but that these could be covered with funds that the Village has.

Trustee Turner asked why, in Special Fund Revenues 313 and 313-1, Beneflex is listed both times. Administrator Probst stated it could have been a mistake and that he would to check his records from the accountants.

Trustee Turner stated that she was curious about Expense Recoveries fund 315 so she made a call and found out that the expense recovery was for legal services for the Neumann property and for Neumann snow plow truck. She stated she did not think this money would be coming in again this fiscal year. Trustee Pierce asked Trustee Turner if she was saying that this was a one-time payment. Trustee Turner responded that she was saying that. Administrator Probst stated that he could make administrative adjustments and that there should be more than enough money to cover it.

Trustee Turner stated that she received a call from Trustee Larson. Trustee Larson wanted to ensure that the supplies were added back into the Parks fund. Administrator Probst stated that they had been added back in.

Trustee Pierce stated that he wanted to thank Administrator Probst, staff, Trustee Caulfield, Mayor Maravelas and the financial consultants because they have done a wonderful job making a better budget than what has been presented in the past. He also stated that this is a good beginning but that it would behoove the Village Board to table this for another meeting or to vote No. Trustee Pierce stated that he is saying this because there is a potential that the budget is off $400,000.00. He stated that the Debt Service Fund 300-67 is being paid by 318-10, which means that a bond is being paid by another bond and he thinks that it is improper or illegal.

Administrator Probst stated that 318-10 is an authorized tax levy, which can be used to pay off the bond. Trustee Pierce asked if this levy was passed to cover this or if it was the bond levy that was passed last year. Administrator Probst stated that there are two levies, which are allowable amounts to make payments on the bonds.

Trustee Pierce stated that he understands it is important to pass the budget, but that he feels it should be tabled and questions addressed. He also stated that a motion could be made to pay staff raises and emergency issues, but that it is so close to what the Village needs that it should be finished.

Trustee Caulfield stated that there was a Finance Meeting this past Monday for the purpose of addressing questions in the budget and Trustee Turner and Trustee Pierce have information and questions that would have been more appropriate to bring up before. He also stated that this budget is a working guide and it needs to be passed and that the Expense Recovery and Bond questions have been answered so it should be passed. Trustee Caulfield stated that the budget, by Administrator Probst’s own comments, is a working document and it will be refined as time goes on.

Trustee Porch asked Finance Director Steele to comment on the concerns that Trustee Turner and Trustee Pierce brought forward. Finance Director Steele stated that when a budget is created that estimates on revenues have to be made. She stated that there has already been discussion that in 6 months the budget will be reviewed. She also stated that she will be coming before the Board, in the months to come, to provide them with a process to approve large expenditures.

Trustee Turner stated that the bond was passed by ordinance so it could be pulled and reviewed.

Trustee Hanson stated that there was a Finance meeting this past Monday and that this Special Meeting was being held for the purpose of approving the budget. He also stated that this budget is better than any budget ever presented in the past.

Administrator Probst stated that using the debt service was recommended by the auditor, included in the ordinance and agreed to by the County Clerk.

Trustee Pierce stated that he was sorry that he did not bring these issues up, but some of them came up after other issues were raised on Monday and some of them came up tonight as he was looking over the budget. He sited an example in fund 10-438 with the budgeted amount for professional services and the money that has already been requested for the accountants. As everyone has said this is an evolving process and it evoked more questions.

Mayor Maravelas stated that roll call should be done to see what happens.

Trustee Porch stated that Administrator Probst had mentioned a mid year review. Administrator Probst stated that he plans to bring it back for review in September, since new items are being found every day. Trustee Porch asked if it determined to be necessary, if a review could be done sooner. Administrator Probst stated that could be done but also said that if there are any major issues found that he will bring them before the Board.

Trustee Turner asked Parks Director Stahl if she was able to pull her program expenditures. Director Stahl stated that she wanted to make sure they were collecting enough funds to cover the programs. She stated that she researched this with Doug, in the front office, and that in March the programs made $156,187.00 and the expenses were $154,621.00. She stated that the $130,000.00 listed should probably say $160,000.00. Administrator Probst stated that he used a conservative amount on some of these and did a straight-line projection. He stated that in Director Stahl’s case there is more activity in the summer than what the straight-line projection shows, but it was brought to his attention after the budget went to print. He stated that he thinks it will all even out and reminded everyone that even the state shared revenue numbers are estimated and the only for sure numbers are the ones from the tax levies.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 3: Caulfield, Porch and Hanson
NO: 2: Pierce and Turner
ABSENT: 1: Larson

Mayor Maravelas stated that this is the best budget that this Village has ever created. He also stated that there are members on this Board that ran with him to fix this problem and now some of the Trustees are looking the other way.

Trustee Caulfield stated that what everyone witnessed tonight is another exercise in politics at the Board level. He also stated that a lot of hard work has gone into this by staff and the Administrator and a lot of background work has been done. The cheap attempts to diminish the work, at this stage of the game, are appalling and that they should not take place at the Board level. He stated that it is every Trustee’s right to say what they want, but knowing how hard staff and the Administrator worked makes it an insult to bring these things up at this time, when they could have been addressed previously.

Trustee Turner stated that she feels this is a great, easy to understand document and that she is sure that a lot of work went into the budget, but that she has concerns. She stated it is her right as a Trustee to voice her concerns and she will do that from her seat at this dais.

Request for Additional Funds for Financial Analysis – Trustee Caulfield stated that the next item on the agenda was the request for additional funds for financial analysis and at the Finance meeting there was discussion regarding the status of the financial analysis. At that meeting a mention was made that additional funds would be requested. Trustee Caulfield asked Administrator Probst to provide more information.

Administrator Probst stated that it is estimated that by the end of June the financial consultants will have the product that the Village is looking for, closing out last year. He also stated that the cost will be about another $60,000.00 to accomplish this. He and the Director Steele will keep this amount lower, if possible. He also stated that he has placed more than enough money in the budget to cover this expense.

Trustee Caulfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Hanson, to approve an additional $60,000.00 for the financial analysis that is being done.

Trustee Turner verified that this is just for the financial consultants services, not for hardware or software. Administrator Probst stated that this is only for the accounting work and that there is money in the budget in other areas for the hardware and software.

Trustee Hanson asked Director Steele to provide the Board with an idea of where the financial investigations would be if she were doing it herself and if it would be possible for her to do it herself. Director Steele stated that she could not have done the work and work on procedures. She stated that if she was doing the research that the financial consultants are doing she would not be able to do the work that she was hired to do.

Mayor Maravelas stated that this administration is trying to do what past administrations had not done.

Director Steele stated that Trustee Pierce said it well, that things that should have been done over the years were not done. She also stated that when someone is so familiar with how it was done that they could make it work, but with new staff it is very hard to understand.

Trustee Porch asked how many hours a week Stephanie Zaher is working. Administrator Probst stated that she is working about 30 hours a week. She also stated that when Ms. Zaher started there was not a Finance Director working for the Village and asked Director Steele if she has been working closely with Manning Silverman. Director Steele stated that she gets a daily report of what has been accomplished and she reviews that report with employees from Manning Silverman. Trustee Porch asked if it was still necessary to have Ms. Zaher supervising the work. Director Steele stated that it is necessary because she has good analytical skills; she is very thorough and knows how to organize information correctly. She is hoping that her time is not used that way so she can focus on making changes for the future.

Trustee Turner stated that she would only approve the additional money if the research was being done with a baseline of April 30, 2003 and she just found out that it is not the case.

Trustee Porch stated that her understanding is that they are finishing the reconciliation for May but that they have been working on other months and now that they have done so much work that they will be able to finish the other months by the end of June 2004.

Director Steele explained that the consultants took items and looked at them through out the year and this helped build the budget. By doing this, a lot of the work has been done for each month and now they just need to close out the months.

Trustee Turner stated that made it clearer but verified that they also worked on the budget. Director Steele stated that they have worked on revenues, expenses, liabilities that occurred through out the year but they have not necessarily done it on a month-by-month basis.

Trustee Pierce stated that the financial consultants had to build a foundation in order to build the process, so he can understand what they have done so far. However, this has been going on for the last 6 months and he has had his motivation questioned and has been labeled. He stated that for the rest of the meeting he would like to be marked as absent.

Trustee Pierce left at 8:25 pm.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4: Caulfield, Porch and Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Larson

Mayor Maravelas stated that he and the Finance Chairman are trying to bring the Village finances in order. He stated that the Village has never had a foundation and that they were elected to do create that foundation. He stated that it has to be done regardless of the cost and that the residents of Antioch deserve to have the financial issues rectified. Trustee Porch stated that she hopes the Mayor realizes that the majority of the Board supports that.

Trustee Caulfield stated that it hurts him to hear comments made, like the one Trustee Pierce made at the Finance meeting, that he can’t wait for these people to get out of here. Trustee Caulfield stated that the people that Trustee Pierce are referring to are professionals in government finance and these people are pointing out ways to more efficiently run our Village.

Request for Additional Funds for Financial Analysis cont’d – Trustee Turner stated that she believes that the elected officials want financial stability for the Village; it’s just that there are different ideas on how to get to that point. She also stated that she is doing what she feels is best, which is her right and she does not want to be criticized for her opinions.

Mayor Maravelas asked if Trustee Turner would allow an audit of past years. Trustee Turner stated that she feels that as long as there are streets and sewers that need to be repaired, homes flooding and a creek that needs to be cleaned up that the Village should move forward and spend money on the future not the past.

Trustee Hanson stated that he feels the Village is moving in the right direction. He also stated that everyone has his or her own opinion and it’s healthy that everyone has a different opinion and that everyone is doing what they feel is best for the community.

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Trustee Hanson and seconded by Trustee Turner to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 8:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,


Amy S. Monroe, Village Clerk
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