Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL
September 7, 2004
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Maravelas called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:37 pm in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas and Clerk Monroe. Absent were: Trustee Pierce, Trustee Caulfield and Attorney Long.
MINUTES 07/19/2004 Trustee Larson, seconded by Trustee Turner, made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 19, 2004 meeting with the following corrections:

• On page 2: Change breads to breeds.
• On page 2: Change under development to under litigation.
• On page 2: Change for that pierce to for that piece.
• On page 4: Add Porch after Trustee.
• On page 4: Add one after any.

Trustee Porch asked that the minutes from both Public Hearings and the Regular Board Meeting be separated into different documents.

On roll call the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

MINUTES 08/03/2004 Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson, made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 3, 2004 special meeting as presented. On roll call the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

MAYOR Presentation to Ron Roth – Mayor Maravelas presented a plaque to Lt. Roth for his 25 years of service and dedication to the citizens of Antioch.

Lt. Roth stated that the best move he made was coming to Antioch 25 years ago and that he was sold on this town when he walked down Main Street and saw that everyone’s car windows were down and their keys were still in the ignition. He stated that it has been a pleasure and he is looking forward to more years of service.

Promotions – Mayor Maravelas stated that the next item was the Police Department reorganization. He then thanked Police Chief Fagan, Bruce Alhquist, Trustee Hanson and all of the elected officials for making the promotions possible.

Mayor Maravelas promoted Lieutenant Ron Roth to Deputy Chief.

Mayor Maravelas promoted Sergeant Jim Foerster to Lieutenant.

Mayor Maravelas promoted Lieutenant Jim Foerster to Commander.

Mayor Maravelas promoted Sergeant Craig Somerville to Commander

Mayor Maravelas promoted Patrolman Ron Nauman promotion to Sergeant.

Chief Fagan thanked the Mayor and the Trustees and stated that the reorganization of the Police Department was necessary for the size of the community and the fact that it is growing. He also stated that it allows the department to revamp policies and procedures, start neighborhood watches and other opportunities.

IMLRMA Safety Award – Trustee Hanson read a letter from the IMLRMA regarding the Village earning the IMLRMA Safety Award for the year 2003.

Clock Tower Committee Request – Jim LaFontaine, treasurer of the Antioch Clock Tower Committee, stated that previously the committee approached the Board and got approval to build the clock tower and to put it on the Corner of Main Street and the Orchard Street Extension.

Mr. LaFontaine stated that it is estimated that the construction cost will be about $225,000 and that so far that about $171,000 has been committed. The next step is to have drawings created to build from and that a proposal has been provided from Belli and Belli. The cost for the drawings will be $15,000 and he is asking for the Boards authorization to expend the money.

Trustee Porch stated that they are roughly $55,000 short of the anticipated amount for construction and that the letter states they will refund the money if they can’t get the total needed for construction and asked if it would be better to wait until the necessary money is in place. Mr. LaFontaine stated that once they have the plans they will have a firm cost for the clock tower.

Mayor Maravelas stated that he understands that there will be a fundraiser in November and asked how much of the proceeds will go to them. Mr. LaFontaine stated that he does not have a final number, but that it could be as much as 50% to 75%.

Trustee Porch stated that the base is 25 by 25 and verified that the clock tower is 16 by 16. Mr. LaFontaine stated that it will be approximately that size and that the architect will make a recommendation of where the clock tower should be placed.

Trustee Larson asked if soil testing had been done. Mr. LaFontaine stated that it had been.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

CLERK Recommendation for Copiers – Clerk Monroe stated that previously a recommendation had been tabled because there was a question as to whether or not the company was providing the correct machine. She stated that after she spoke with Attorney Long that he stated lack of confidence in the company is a valid reason to not accept their bid. She also stated that it was brought to her attention that one of the company’s bids was incorrectly added to the bid tabulation, which made them the lowest bidder. However after testing the machine, it was determined that it did not meet the Village’s needs due to the fact that it was programmed for 5 by 8 ½ paper and required manual change to 8 ½ by 11 when making small sized copies, that smell of toner that it emitted and that it is loud when it is running.

Based on the above, Clerk Monroe recommended that the Board approve the lease of two Savin 4045eSP copiers from Advanced Business Tech.

Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Turner, made a motion to lease two Savin 4045eSP copiers from Advanced Business Tech. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

CITIZENS Sheri Skoog – Sheri Skoog, of 624 Meridian Way, addressed the Board to report on House Bill 750. She stated that this bill is a possible solution for educational funding reform. She provided information about the bill and then asked that her petition, with over 300 signatures, be admitted into the record. Ms. Skoog finished by providing information about a seminar regarding House Bill 750 at the College of Lake County.

Bruce Gebert – Bruce Gebert, of 490 North Avenue, stated that he was before the Board about 3 months before and that he feels that there has been a lack of follow through on his issue. He provided a copy of an ordinance that was passed in 1998 regarding annexation. He stated that over $400,000 was paid to the Village for sewer and water and that there is recapture money that should be paid back to the individuals that paid out the initial money. He stated that the Greater North Bank was not one of the original properties and they need to provide their portion of the recapture as well as the Oil Lube.

Mr. Gebert stated that he shouldn’t have to be here asking for this money and that the amount owed is a substantial amount of money. He stated that the ordinances were passed and that he has done all of the homework.

Mr. Gebert also stated that the purpose of city sewer and water is to upgrade their property and to be a part of the Village of Antioch. He stated he doesn’t understand how water and sewer can be extended but the property still remains unincorporated.

Director of Planning, Zoning and Building Silhan stated that there is not any question that this matter should be looked into. He pointed out that the 1998 cover sheet is the ordinance for annexation and that the rest of the documentation pertains to the recapture, which was passed in 2001.

Mayor Maravelas asked when in 2001. Director Silhan stated that there was a problem because the ordinance was not recorded. Mayor Maravelas asked it that happens often. Director Silhan stated that it happened in this instance and that it was finally recorded in January of this year.

Trustee Larson stated that these people paid to extend the sewer and that they are entitled to recapture. Director Silhan stated that he is not disputing that they are entitled to recapture, but he does not know the exact dollar figures and who the Dahl and Ruffin properties are. He stated that these are only a few papers out of that ordinance. He stated that the Finance Director, Attorney and possibly the Finance Committee need to look this over.

Trustee Larson asked why we aren’t looking at our records rather than asking him. Director Silhan stated that he is recommending that this be referred to the Finance Committee.

Mayor Maravelas asked if things, prior to this administration, were done incorrectly. Director Silhan stated that in his opinion it was not done correctly.

Mr. Gebert stated that he provided the information to Director Silhan in January. Mr. Gebert stated that these percentages were put in the ordinance. He also stated that he should not be doing their work to get his money back. Director Silhan stated that he agrees, but also asked for a cancelled check or the date that it was paid, but he has not received that.

Mayor Maravelas asked if Mr. Gebert refused to give him a copy of the cancelled check. Director Silhan responded that he did not receive a copy.

Trustee Larson asked why the copy for Trustee Caulfield had more pages than her copy. Mr. Gebert stated that he gave additional information to the Finance Committee Chair. Trustee Larson asked if he minded if copies of the additional information were made for all of the Trustees.

Mr. Gebert stated that he had included a copy of the deed for the property he purchased, which will increase his recapture amount. He asked if it would be a couple of weeks. Mayor Maravelas said it could be six weeks.

Director Silhan stated that he needs the legal and finance people to get involved.

Director Silhan stated that he wanted to address the annexation comment from earlier and that certain previous staff told people that the property would be in the Village because they filled out the petition.

Mayor Maravelas asked when the staff in question worked here. Director Silhan stated in 1998.

Director Silhan stated that he doesn’t assure people that just because they fill out the annexation petition that they will be annexed. He also stated that there is another piece of property that has to be annexed before the bank can be contiguous.

PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING Status Report: Neumann Homes’ Water Wells and Storage – Trustee Turner asked Engineer Nyberg or Director Silhan to provide an update.

Engineer Nyberg stated that since the last meeting, when the concerns with the existing system’s capacity and Neumann’s Wells and Water Tank was discussed and a decision was made to hold permits, Neumann and Smith Engineering have been diligently working on creating a schedule to drill the two shallow and one deep wells. He stated that the shallow well will be drilled, tested and with pumps in by February, according to their schedule. He also stated that would provide the additional water needed for Neumann and Pulte rather than the water that runs out to Neumann now.

Engineer Nyberg stated that based on what they have done so far, that he would feel confident issuing about 20 or 25 permits. He also stated Neumann has created a schedule of how they would like the permits dispersed as well as how they would like additional permits issued. He stated that as long as they stick to their water schedule he would feel comfortable sticking to their permit schedule.

Trustee Larson asked who put the water schedule together. Engineer Nyberg stated that Smith did.

Trustee Turner asked if the bottom line is that the storage tank would be ready by June. Engineer Nyberg stated yes, but that even if it isn’t that the two shallow wells will be enough. Trustee Turner stated that the storage tank is crucial for the other properties. Engineer Nyberg stated that they are for the school and commercial site, but they won’t be constructed for some time.

Trustee Turner asked if Director Silhan was okay with this. He stated that he was, but that some permit applications stated that they were for Clublands 1 but instead were for Clublands 2 and asked that these 7 permits be a part of the 25 that are issued.

Trustee Turner asked if the 25 permits include the 7. Rick Dalton, of Neumann Homes, stated that the 25 permits do include the 7.

Trustee Turner asked for a recommendation from staff. Engineer Nyberg stated that he recommends allowing 25 permits to be issued, including the 7 that have already been issued and then issuing more permits based on the test results of the well, issuing more based on Neumann’s schedule.

Mr. Dalton asked if staff could just issue the permits based on their comfort level, without coming before the Board. Trustee Turner stated that it could be discussed at a committee meeting.

Trustee Turner made a motion, based on staff recommendation, to issue 25 permits including the 7 that have already been issued. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

INDUSTRIAL, RETAIL, REDEVELOPMENT, CIVIC AND COMMUNICATIONS ShareFest Architectural Drawings – Trustee Porch stated that there was a committee meeting this afternoon and that the architectural drawings were provided today and that they have one copy with them tonight. She stated that the restroom facilities are 4 stalls plus handicapped and storage in the basement and behind. She also stated that she would like to get a general consensus from the Board to proceed.

Trustee Larson stated that they have changed from 3 stalls to 4 stalls, plus handicapped, without changing the footprint.

Trustee Porch made a motion to accept the rendering of the drawings. Trustee Turner seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

20% Non-Profit Fee – Trustee Porch stated that it has been the standard practice to have non-profit groups provide 20% for their net profits to the Village for participating in Village events. She stated that it was questioned why the 20% is required and that it was discussed in committee so she would like to make a motion to waive the 20% for non-profit groups. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Economic Development Director – Trustee Porch stated that she wanted to discuss this in Executive Session.

FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATOR Invoices over $10,000 – Trustee Porch made a motion to authorize an invoice to Visu-Sewer, in the amount of $57,990.19 for Sewer Lining. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Trustee Porch made a motion to authorize an invoice to Curran Contracting, in the amount of $159,649.65 for the 2004 MFT Road Program. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Trustee Porch asked Director Steele if the next invoice, listed as Business Communication Systems is Radicom. Director Steele stated that it is and that the contract should be approved before the invoice is approved.

Trustee Porch made a motion to approve the contract to Radicom Business Communication Systems, in the amount of $10,593.33 for the Priority One Service Plan. Trustee Larson seconded the motion.

Trustee Hanson asked Chief Fagan if this is an annual contract. Chief Fagan stated that it is a contract in perpetuity and that he requested a breakdown of the contract.

Invoices over $10,000 – On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Trustee Porch made a motion to authorize an invoice To Radicom Business Communication Systems, in the amount of $10,593.33 for the Priority One Service Plan. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Accounts Payable –Trustee Porch made a motion to approve the accounts payable in the amount of $458,607.57, as prepared by Village staff. Trustee Larson seconded the motion.

Director Steele stated that there were some questions presented before the meeting that she wanted to answer. On Page 4, there are three payments being made to Antioch Electric and the question was asked if the payments are for the same lift station. She stated that the payment in the amount of $1,520.73 was for the JT Roadhouse lift station, the payment in the amount of $2,306.47 for the Raymond Chevy lift station and that the final payment in the amount of $225.00 is for the Heron Harbor lift station. She also stated that the JT Roadhouse lift station still needs repairs and that it is estimated that it will be about another $10,000.00.

Another question was related to Jeffery Lilly and Associates asking why we have racial profiling software. She explained that this software is state mandated to track data to ensure that racial profiling is not being done.

Attorney Long arrived at 8:40 pm.

Another question is related to cancellations for two families that were refunded and if they were refunded twice. Director Steele stated that the refunds were correct, that reservations were made in two different months.

The final item is related to the Manning Silverman billing and that the final books were received so that Director Steele does anticipate another invoice, but that it should be the last.

Trustee Porch asked if the payment to David Taussig and Associates is charged against escrow. Director Steele stated that she would look into it but that it was related to the SSA. Trustee Larson asked for verification that it is being passed onto someone else. Director Steele stated that she is not sure at this time that it is still being looked into.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Manual Checks – Trustee Porch made a motion to approve manual checks written to date for the AP concentration account in the amount of $13,220.25. Trustee Turner seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Escrow Invoices – Trustee Porch stated that the escrow is informational.

Director Steele stated that payroll is always approved, but that it was previously provided in a different format. She stated that previously that they approved a list of checks, which was a round about way of approving payroll but that it has been changed to show the total amount that needs to be approved.

Trustee Porch made a motion to approve manual checks written to date for the payroll account in the amount of $203,808.65. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Resolution 04-19 – Trustee Porch asked Attorney Long to explain the resolutions. Director Steele stated that she could explain them. She stated that every year the Village must pass a MFT resolution that that the last couple of years had been missed and that in the future it will be done annually.

Attorney Long further explained that the taxes are being abated, which means that you are indicating that you are not going to allow a special levy to recover the expenses. He stated that a general obligation bond is levied on the property in the Village and that the Village pays for it annually but it they don’t do that the tax goes into effect automatically.

Trustee Porch asked how to reference the document for the resolution. Director Steele stated that it is an obligation retirement resolution and that each need to be passed separately. Director Steele also stated that as back up, she attached the ordinance. Trustee Porch stated that these are current ordinances. Director Steele stated that these forms are required by MFT. Director Steele stated that the county will sign stating that the Village did not levy.

Attorney Long stated that the motion should be to approve the obligation retirement resolution for the general obligation bond series 1991 that was refunded in 2002. Trustee Porch made that motion, seconded by Trustee Hanson. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Resolution 04-20 – Trustee Porch stated that the other two are the same. Director Steele stated that one is 2003 and one is 2004. Trustee Porch made a motion to approve the obligation retirement resolution for the general obligation bond series 2002 A that cancelled the 2002 tax levy collected in 2003. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Resolution 04-21 – Trustee Porch stated that the other two are the same. Director Steele stated that one is 2003 and one is 2004. Trustee Porch made a motion to approve the obligation retirement resolution for the general obligation bond series 2002 A that cancelled the 2003 tax levy collected in 2004. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Ordinance 04-09-33 – Trustee Porch asked for an explanation. Director Steele asked Clerk Monroe to explain the ordinance.

Clerk Monroe stated that when the municipality tax was repealed back in May that a copy of the ordinance was sent to the state. The state responded back clarifying if it was the 5% Village tax and also the 1% state tax that should be ended and that this ordinance clarifies that it is both the 5% and the 1% tax that are ending.

Trustee Porch made a motion, seconded by Trustee Hanson, to waive the first and second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 04-09-33, entitled AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE MUNICIPAL UTILITY TAXES. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES Letter of Appreciation – Trustee Hanson read the letter of appreciation for Police Chief Fagan and the Antioch Police Department for the assistance provided during the plane crash on July 28, 2004 in Fox Lake.

Metra Public Safety Awareness – Trustee Hanson stated that this is informational.

Resolution 04-22 – Attorney Long read the resolution. Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Turner, made a motion to approve resolution 04-22 entitled, Adoption of the National Incident Management System. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Ordinance 04-09-34 – Trustee Hanson stated that at the last committee meeting that this ordinance was discussed and that it is needed to meet the standards. Trustee Hanson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Porch, to waive the first and second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 04-09-34, entitled VILLAGE OF ANTIOCH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ORDINANCE.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Attorney Long stated that it would be worth commenting that Mr. Shannon tried to find sources of funding but that the per capita allocation in the ordinance is extremely low, about $2500 a year and that a change needs to be made at the state level. He also stated that Mr. Shannon is the president of the association and is talking at the state level to get that amount changed.

Resolution 04-23 – Trustee Hanson, seconded by Porch, made a motion to approve resolution 04-23 entitled, A Resolution Authorizing Participation as a Member in the Mutual Assistance Response Team (MART) of Northwestern Lake County Pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement By and Between the Village of Antioch and Such Other Municipalities/Governmental Entities of the Mutual Assistance Response Team of Northwestern Lake County for the Establishment of a Mutual Aid Intergovernmental Service Agreement.

Trustee Larson asked that the resolution be read. Attorney Long read the resolution. He then explained that the agreement is fundamentally a basic agreement for mutual aid.

Trustee Larson asked for verification that the agreement is standard. Attorney Long stated that it is and that most of the Villages and Townships have different agreements that basically look like this. Trustee Larson asked if the agreement is standard. Attorney Long stated that it is formulaic.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Resolution 04-24 – Trustee Hanson stated that these resolutions are identical except for the agencies that are involved. Trustee Hanson, seconded by Trustee Larson, made a motion to approve resolution 04-24 entitled, A Resolution Authorizing Participation as a Member in the Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System Response Pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement By and Between the Village of Antioch and the Illinois Emergency Services Management Association for the Establishment of a Mutual Aid Intergovernmental Service Agreement.

On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Ratify Police Promotions – Trustee Hanson asked Attorney Long if the promotions made earlier in the evening need to be passed through motion. Trustee Hanson made a motion to ratify the promotions for Lieutenant Ron Roth to Deputy Chief, Sergeant Jim Foerster to Lieutenant, Lieutenant Jim Foerster to Commander, Sergeant Craig Somerville to Commander and Patrolman Ron Nauman promotion to Sergeant.

Other Business – Trustee Hanson provided information from a letter written by Fire Chief Volling regarding the tanker truck. The letter stated that the tanker truck had been on loan to the Village while the Fire Department was waiting for a 0% loan, from the state, that didn’t come through. The purpose of the letter was to dispel rumors that the tanker had been repossessed.

PARKS AND LICENSE Hire Mary Linhart – Trustee Larson stated that Parks Director Stahl recommends hiring Mary Linhart and made a motion, seconded by Trustee Turner, to hire Mary Linhart as the Parks Office Manager.

Trustee Porch stated that this does not belong at the Board level, that department heads can hire for a current position without Board approval. She asked that the motion be withdrawn.

Trustee Turner withdrew her second and Trustee Larson withdrew her motion.

Resolution 04-25 – Trustee Larson explained what the parade is for and then made a motion, seconded by Trustee Hanson, to approve resolution 04-25. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Park Rental – Trustee Larson made a motion to approve a park rental alcohol request for Jeff and Christi Gross at Williams Park on September 18, 2004, Sarah Orticelli, Centennial Park on October 3, 2004 and to ratify the approval of a request for Mark and Pat Horan at Williams Park on August 29, 2004. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Raffle – Trustee Larson made a motion to issue a raffle license to the Antioch Rotary Club for August 1, 2004 – October 2, 2004, waiving fee. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Raffle – Trustee Larson made a motion to issue a raffle license to Christian Life Fellowship for August 19, 2004 – December 19, 2004, waiving fee. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Liquor License – Trustee Larson made a motion to issue a one-day liquor license to the Open Arms Pantry for September 19, 2004, waiving fee. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Other Business – Trustee Larson stated that park cleanup for August was rescheduled to Saturday, September 11 at Sawmill Park from 8:00 am to 11:00 am.

Other Business – Trustee Larson stated that the new parking lot at Centennial Park is now open.

ENGINEERING AND SENIOR SERVICES Request for Congressman Crane’s Help with New Postal Regulations – Trustee Larson stated that she believed this refers to the new regulations regarding cul-de-sacs and that Trustee Pierce would like to request that Congressman Crane look into getting this revoked.

Authorize Village Administrator to Investigate Hazard Insurance – Trustee Larson stated that she was not aware of what Trustee Pierce wanted to discuss and asked that it be added to the next agenda.

ATTORNEY Ordinance 04-09-35 – Attorney Long asked for a motion to waive the first and second reading. Trustee Turner asked that the ordinance be read so Attorney Long read the ordinance. Trustee Turner made a motion, seconded by Trustee Larson, to waive second reading, approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance, 04-09-35, entitled AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SEWER AND WATER RECAPTURE RIGHTS FOR NEUMANN HOMES. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Executive Session Minutes – Trustee Porch, seconded by Trustee Larson, made a motion to table the minutes. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Executive Session – A motion was made by Trustee Porch for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to move into executive session, at 9:23 pm. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Return – Trustee Hanson made a motion for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to return from Executive Session to the open meeting at 10:02 pm, with action to be taken. Trustee Larson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

Hire Elliot Liebson – Trustee Porch made a motion to hire Elliot Liebson as the Economic Development/Redevelopment Director with a salary between $54,000 and $56,000 plus $1,000 in moving expenses and the stipulation that he must have an Antioch address. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:

YES: 4: Larson, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0
ABSENT: 2: Pierce and Caulfield

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Trustee Hanson and seconded by Trustee Porch to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 10:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Amy S. Monroe, Village Clerk

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