Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL
February 7, 2005
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Maravelas called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:30 pm in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.
ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner. Also present were Mayor Maravelas, Attorney Long and Clerk Monroe.
MAYOR Shotokan Karate World Champions – Parks Director Stahl explained that the Shotokan Karate World Championship was recently held and asked all of the champions to come forward. A plaque was presented to all of the champions and the Mayor and Trustees congratulated them on their achievements.
APPROVE BALANCE OF AGENDA Trustee Larson made a motion to discuss the Parks Impact Fees: Neumann Homes Agreement after the Finance and Administrator report. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Trustee Caulfield made a motion to discuss the items under the Engineering and Senior Services report to the appropriate committee reports. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Larson stated that she was not sure what Trustee Pierce wanted to discuss about the Newsletter so she didn’t think it should be moved to her committee’s report.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 2: Caulfield and Hanson
NO: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner

Trustee Hanson made a motion to discuss the Orchard Street Extension Closure under the Public Safety, Public Works and Utilities committee report. Trustee Caulfield seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 2: Caulfield and Hanson
NO: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner

Trustee Porch made a motion, seconded by Trustee Larson, to approve the balance of the agenda for the February 7, 2005 Board of Trustees Meeting. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

MINUTES January 18, 2005 – Trustee Porch made a motion, seconded by Trustee Larson, to approve the minutes from the January 18, 2005 meeting with the following corrections:

• On page 3: Add the letter from the Antioch Township Supervisor regarding Little Silver Lake
• On page 9: Change fees to fines
• On page 10: Add She stated that ShareFest asked the Mayor for a list of projects for 2005, after the first sentence under ShareFest.
• On page 10: Change audience to Civic 885 Club
• On page 11: remove Chamber and add monthly
• On page 15: Add the explanation of Director Steele regarding the Check 21 issue
• On page 15: Add the paragraph starting with Trustee Porch stated that she did not receive the memo…
• On page 17: Add in July after identified.

Trustee Hanson asked if this would be the appropriate time to reference a misstatement by another Trustee at the last meeting. Attorney Long stated that it should be addressed under Other Business, which is at the end of Reports of Standing Committees.

On roll call the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

MAYOR CONT’D Lee Shannon III Letter of Appreciation – Clerk Monroe read the letter from Lee Shannon thanking the Village for their support during his time of bereavement.

Senator Adeline Geo-Karis Letter – Mayor Maravelas read the letter regarding the grant from the State for the Route 83 Corridor Plan.

Trustee Larson stated that she would like to thank Representative JoAnn Osmond also, since she gave it a kick-start when the State money ran out. She also stated that Trustee Turner contacted Ms. Osmond about four months ago and Ms. Osmond looked into the grant and put it back on the fast path. Trustee Larson stated that it was because of Ms. Osmond that the Village got the grant.

Mayor Maravelas stated that he didn’t want to have to say anything, but that he was the one that did the grant letter two years ago.

Trustee Larson stated that there was a committee created, which included Trustee Turner, Trustee Porch and herself. She stated that they interviewed half a dozen firms, set the criteria and then instructed Senior Planner Sakas to write the grant.

Trustee Hanson stated that the Village tried twice for the grant and that Staff, the Committee and both Senator Geo-Karis and Representative Osmond should receive credit.

SBC Phone Contract – Administrator Probst stated that a copy of the contract that was provided at the last meeting is included in the agenda again. He stated that the contract has a significant reduction from what is currently being paid. He stated that since there were technical questions from the last meeting, he asked representatives from SBC to be in attendance at the meeting. He then introduced Kathleen Maki.

Ms. Maki stated that her associate, Ralph Huebach, would be able to answer any questions.

Mr. Huebach stated that he is a network design engineer with SBC and that he works on custom agreements for municipalities. He stated that the benefit of this plan, which is called a master discount agreement, is that lowered rates are offered for retaining service. He stated that the current contract is expiring in March and this is a renewal that improves rates with lower commitment.

Trustee Porch stated that the proposed contract is for 5 years; she asked how long the current contract was for. Mr. Huebach stated that it was for 3 years. Trustee Porch asked if the 9.5 total volume discount is the standard discount for municipalities. Mr. Huebach stated that it is not the standard, that the total volume discount applies to the telephone lines and that the discount is based on the level of commitment. Trustee Porch asked why it doesn’t apply to the local usage. Mr. Huebach stated that the local usage is so low that they can’t apply any more discounts.

Trustee Pierce asked when the contract expires. Mayor Maravelas stated that it expires March 17, 2005.

Trustee Pierce asked Administrator Probst if he got any other bids from other providers. Administrator Probst stated that he did not and that he’s not even sure if there are other providers available. Trustee Pierce suggested that other bids be obtained to ensure the best price.

Trustee Caulfield asked for an explanation of the termination policy. Mr. Huebach stated that the level of commitment the customer makes drives the level of discounts. He stated that the termination charges are based on the commitment and equates to 50% of the remaining commitment. Trustee Caulfield asked if there is an annual commitment for all three categories. Mr. Huebach stated that there are three commitments: the minimum annual revenue commitment (MARC), which is the overall commitment of all products and services. He stated that there are two sub commitments, which are devised to entice the Village to retain the current level of local and toll services. He stated the termination charges are the same, 50% of the remaining commitment.

Trustee Porch made a motion to instruct the Village Administrator to check with other providers on local and long distance service with an answer by the first meeting in March.

Trustee Porch asked if there is any flexibility in the length of the contract? Mr. Huebach stated that there is.

Trustee Pierce seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

CITIZENS Scott Keenan – Scott Keenan, of the Open Arms Mission, stated that he wanted to thank the Mayor and the Trustees for allowing the food depository barrel in the Village Hall.

Mr. Keenan stated that his reason for addressing the Board was to notify everyone that the Open Arms Mission is moving to 1548 S. Main Street in Antioch and a local family was kind enough to provide the first year of rent. He stated that this building is more convenient since it is one floor. He stated that an open house will be occurring on Saturday, March 19, 2005 with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Mr. Keenan stated that the mission is looking for sponsors to help with utilities and insurance, since they are 100% volunteer and like to see the money they receive be used for food.

Mr. Keenan stated that this year the mission will be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner at the Senior Center and that anyone is welcome.

Scott Frillman – Scott Frillman, of 588 Meridian Way, stated that he had three concerns he would like to bring up. He stated that the first concern is the recycling bins that the Village uses. He stated that in the previous community he lived in the recycle bins were larger and on wheels making it easier and more convenient to recycle since the bin was larger and on wheels. He stated that he would like the Board to review this option when the Waste Management contract comes up for renegotiation.

Secondly, Mr. Frillman stated that he attended his first Homeowners Association (HOA) meeting a few weeks ago and he was impressed with their ideas. He stated that the more money the HOA has to spend on dead trees, removing silt fences and construction garbage, the less money the HOA will have to make Tiffany Farms an attractive addition to the community. He stated that he is asking the Village to be diligent on the HOA’s behalf by requiring full and timely compliance of the developers before they are released from their responsibilities.

Lastly, Mr. Frillman stated that the Village should consider providing the Public Works department with additional tools for salt brine truck systems. He stated that he is providing information to Public Works about brine, which reduces man-hours, corrosion and accidents. He also stated that the Public Works Director should be sent to an American Public Works Association convention.

Stephen Pluciennik – Stephen Pluciennik, of 42044 N. East End Road, read the following statement:

We Stephen and Teresa Pluciennik live in Little Silver Lake Subdivision. We would like the Village of Antioch to know that the opinions expressed by some of the residents do not represent all of the residents that live on Little Silver Lake.

My wife and I welcome the economic development on Route 173. We believe that the community needs the real estate taxes that will be generated by the retail development.

We also believe the sales tax coming in will benefit not only the Village, but it will also benefit the residents that live in the Township as well.

Even though we live outside the Village, we shop in the stores and drive on the roads downtown, and we want the roads maintained.

We are in favor of the Menards being built and hope that you vote YES.

Jim Parks – Jim Parks, of 1192 Mystic Cove, stated that he is addressing the Board on behalf of a number of residents and that there is a lot of concern about the impacts of the runoff related to Wal-Mart and the new facility by Wal-Mart. He stated that he would like to find out, given the likelihood that the ordinance will be passed, what has been put in place to monitor the runoff. He asked what agency is responsible, what procedures have been put in place, what tests will be run and how often and where will the findings be published.

Jim Hironimus – Jim Hironimus, of 22486 IL Route 173, provided the following statement and asked that it be entered into the record:

I have some information, questions and a request for each of you.

Information: I had put together some bullet points of information for the development of my lawsuit affidavit and a newspaper article from the distant past. This information represents some of what I am about.

After spending 32 years as a biology/ecology teacher (B.S., M.S. plus 66), I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I bought this 38.37-acre wasteland (Department of Agriculture classification). It was somewhat degraded, but definitely an ecological gem.

I had just finished a Local Flora course (1986) with Dr. Robert Betz (written up in National Geographic twice) and was introduced to hundreds of indigenous plants as well as habitat restoration.

I decided to build a home and move to the property to do my restoration magic after The Nature Conservancy considered it too small and would probably sell it if I had donated it to them.

Prior to the destructive anti-ecological behavior of the Village of Antioch and its 3 bankrupt developers I witnessed no flooding. There was some standing water on the north side of my property as a result of spring thaw and rains – it never lasted into the summer.

After the Village of Antioch and its developers filled, blocked flowage, drained and then diverted flow on to my property where it never flowed before: things took a dramatic change!

During and after construction of the Pine Hill Lakes subdivision, the huge volume of silt laden (polluted) water has promoted the invasion of Typha angustifolia, an invasive obligate wetland plant, to flourish where it never grew before. (Phragmites and purple loosestrife are also on their way).

Between 15 and 20 acres of my property now experience the 100-year flood on a daily basis. While the actual flooding directly impacts 20 acres, the ecological impact affects my entire parcel and Little Silver Lake. I have often said that the Village of Antioch is the “Poster Child” for bogus ecological management practices.

My 18 years of involvement in habitat restoration at this site is being challenged in a major way and if corrections are not made, there will be a catastrophic setback. I have asked for documentation approving the filing, drainage and interbasin transfer of water and have received no such verification.

My reason for living where I do is the biology. We can compromise politically and monetarily, but we cannot compromise biologically. The federally endangered prairie white fringed orchid, and the other teetering species (cranes, killifish, grebes, etc.) will be extirpated. This is an official site for the spring crane count conducted by the International Crane Foundation.

These threatened and endangered species so closely associated with the last significant wetland in the Little Silver Lake watershed are innocent victims of the Greed and Ignorance so prevalent in Lake County.

The total disregard for the ecological value of my property and me by the Village of Antioch has caused me major sleep deprivation because of anger, anxiety, frustration and stress. Their narrow-visioned behavior has done damage to me and my property economically and personally (emotion and spiritual pain) not to mention the value to the public as an ecologically diverse and unique site.

From droughts (1998 and 2001) to floods (1993 and 2000) the Pine Hill Lakes Homeowners Association and I have been trying to keep the Village of Antioch honest (responsible and accountable) by having them correct the drainage problems listed in newspaper articles.

In one article PHLHA had threatened a class action lawsuit against the village and after the 1993 damage they asked me to join forces with them. My response at the time was “they helped create it, they should help fix it”. In the year 2001 (after the 2000 flooding) at a Stormwater Management Commission meeting I approached the benefactors of the hook-up to the alleged illegal drainpipe to pursue the lawsuit – they were not interested.

When considering the reality that the best predictor of future behavior is to look at past related behavior, I was hoping for a speedy and positive conclusion to this lawsuit as a deterrent to irresponsible behavior by the Village of Antioch in its commercial venture on the south side of my Property (Wal-Mart and Menards).

I am exhausted from attending too many mendacious non-productive meetings with the Village of Antioch and Stormwater Management Commission (“death by meeting”). Please stop this madness and correct the problems.

Questions: What did I do wrong since the 1990 newspaper article?

What would you have done at the time?

What would you do today to protect the last significant wetland in the Little Silver Lake subwatershed?

Request: Become more biologically informed before you destroy the Sequoit Creek Watershed.

Why aren’t you promoting and expanding Little Silver Lake’s biological treasures instead of assisting in their ignominious elimination?

When people know better they do better.

Good Luck

Patrick Requa – Patrick Requa, of 22486 IL Route 173, read the following statement:

Before you finalize your acceptance of the Menards proposal, I ask you to reconsider your decision one more time.

As Mr. Long pointed out at the January 18th Village Board meeting, there are opportunities for legal proceedings which have the potential of lasting as long as two years.

I would not like to have my name attached to an issue that has the potential of thousands of dollars in avoidable legal fees, not to mention the probability of another environmental embarrassment for the Village of Antioch.

There has been another failure at the Wal-Mart site. It has been determined that a spreader pipe has introduced an inordinate amount of water onto the adjacent property. Not only is this water being redirected illegally and the quantity far exceeding what was (hopefully) intended, shoddy workmanship has also been exposed. As the Village engineer can attest, the spreader pipe is capped with duct tape. Mr. Barrett claims he wants to be a good neighbor. This kind of deliberate corner cutting is not being a good neighbor.

I ask that you withdraw your approval until such time that Mr. Barrett has proven without a shadow of a doubt that he is a good neighbor. Please get proof, not a handful of promises. Mr. Barrett claims he wants to be a good neighbor – hold his hand to the fire and make him accountable for his claims.

Based on the continuing failures and evidence of shoddy workmanship in the past, you can be assured that I will be monitoring, photographing, and questioning on a regular basis should this proposal go through.

Please take the time to reconsider what is at stake and make an intelligent decision based on proven results, not promises or compromises.

Mary Dominiak – Mary Dominiak, of 22553 W Silver Lake Avenue, stated that she is very excited about the new Italian restaurant that is going in downtown. She also stated that she wanted to point out a public safety issue related to the new directional signs. She stated that the stop sign is blocked at Orchard and Toft and that the sign at Main and Park blocks the view turning left.

Ms. Dominiak also stated that she isn’t sure of the purpose of the citizens wishing to address the Board since items aren’t’ addressed. She stated that Mr. Parks just asked some important questions that weren’t addressed and that at a previous meeting she identified some issues with the Wal-Mart exit on Deep Lake Road, which weren’t addressed either.

Engineer Fujihara stated that he would look into the Deep Lake Road issues. Trustee Pierce added that the county won’t allow the improvements until spring when the asphalt plants open up.

Ed Dominiak – Ed Dominiak, of 22553 W Silver Lake Avenue, stated that the ordinance that is about to be approved talks of a 100-year storm and that as of August 5, 2004 there was a discharge of 5 cubic feet per second which equates to 37.5 gallons per second or based on a full day over 3 million gallons. He stated that at 70 TSS, which was determined for coal mining, at over 3 million gallons per day equates to 1,891 lbs per day. He stated that a 100-year storm may not happen, but are the Trustees going to take that chance?

Mr. Dominiak stated that at 35TSS it’s down to 1000 lbs per day and at the Engineering Committee they were arguing about 5500 lbs of salt a year, which is a drop in the bucket compared to a 100-year storm.

Judy Martini – Judy Martini, Lake County Board Member, of 42812 Janette, stated that she wanted to let the Board know that the County was alerted today of the Federal Budget elimination of Community Block Grants and that there will be a press conference tomorrow and that keeping this program is a top priority of the County.

Ms. Martini stated that Stormwater Management is in the process of amending the WDO and that there are over 189 recommendations and over 100 have been done so far with the rest to be done by next year. She stated that some of the amendments are administrative but one is related to water quality. She stated that the amendments can be reviewed on the County’s website. She also stated that the next step is technical advisory and then a public hearing, so this won’t be passed until June.

PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING December 9, 2004 Planning, Zoning and Building Committee Meeting Minutes – Trustee Turner stated that everyone gets a copy of committee meeting minutes but that they can’t be released to the public until they are approved and what better way to approve them than at the Village Board Meeting.

Trustee Caulfield stated that it seems appropriate to approve the minutes at a committee meeting since that is what the minutes refer to. He stated that perhaps they can be accepted into the record at this level, since it’s possible that at least half the Trustees weren’t present at the meeting. He sated that he has a problem with approving the minutes but not accepting them into record.

Trustee Larson stated that one of the reasons this was brought to the full Board is that sometimes that Trustees aren’t in attendance at the next meeting to approve the minutes. She stated that the thought process would be that only the Trustees in attendance at the meeting would approve the minutes and the other Trustees could abstain.

Trustee Turner made a motion, followed by Trustee Larson, to approve the December 9, 2004 Planning, Zoning and Building Committee Meeting minutes.

Trustee Hanson stated that he thought that committee minutes were informational and to keep a record for the committee. He stated that he thinks it’s a better idea to approve them at the committee meeting.

Trustee Larson asked what happens if there aren’t enough committee members to approve them. Trustee Hanson responded that you wait till the next meeting. Trustee Turner stated that they can’t be released to the public then.

Trustee Hanson stated that he thinks if they can be approved at the committee meeting that it is better.

Trustee Larson stated that they thought one uniformed process would work better for the public and the Board.

Trustee Caulfield stated that the timing is suspect since it might appear with a subsequent agenda item.

Trustee Porch stated that the minutes were given to the Trustees at the committee meeting and they didn’t have time to read them, which is why they weren’t approved. She stated that there is no hidden agenda.

Mayor Maravelas asked Trustee Caulfield if his concern is that this committee meeting related to GLP Phase 2? Trustee Caulfield stated that it is obvious why this is on the agenda and stated that he wanted to call that to everyone’s attention. He stated that it appears to be in line with the rest of the items surrounding Phase 2.

Trustee Pierce stated that Clerk Monroe called me and asked him if he wanted his committee meeting minutes on the agenda, which had been brought to the last Engineering Committee meeting and weren’t approved because he was the only one in attendance at the meeting for which the minutes needed to be approved. He stated he didn’t want them on this agenda because he thought it would be silly for them to be on since he was the only one that would be able to approve them. He stated that the only reason to have them on the agenda is to take care of business.

Trustee Caulfield stated that it seems that the committee has an obligation to approve it’s own minutes and he doesn’t know if using Village Board Meeting time is a good use of time.

Trustee Turner stated that one resident in particular had asked about receiving a copy of the minutes and had recently called Clerk Monroe to ask when he could obtain a copy.

Trustee Larson stated that she would like to see all committee meeting minutes approved at Board Meetings. Trustee Turner stated that she agreed.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 3: Larson, Porch and Turner
NO: 0
ABSTAIN: 3: Pierce, Caulfield and Hanson

Ordinance 05-02-01 – Attorney Long read the ordinance.

Trustee Turner made a motion, seconded by Trustee Larson, to approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance 05-02-02, entitled AN ORDINANCE APPROVING B-2 AND OS ZONING AND A PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR A SPECIAL USE FOR PHASE TWO OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR RETAIL SHOPPING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ILLINOIS ROUTE 173, ONE-QUARTER MILE WEST OF DEEP LAKE ROAD (PIN 02-16-200-006, -007, & -009) FILE NO. PZB 04-18, (Great Lakes Principals - Menards).

Trustee Porch asked Director of Planning, Zoning and Building Silhan if he checked with SMC about the fines mentioned in section 6. Director Silhan stated that he did not speak with them.

Trustee Hanson stated that based on concerns he’s been hearing, he went online and did some research. He then read the headlines of some of the publications he found:

  • February 2, 2005 PR Newswire, Press Release, Menards Tax Case Illustrates Salary Issues for Entrepreneurs – Menard’s owes IRS 5.9 million in back taxes.
  • January 24, 2005 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, EEOC sues Menard’s over lack of hiring reports
  • September 11, 2004 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, $100 million at stake in Menards tax battle – Home improvement chain, owner audited over race team payments.
  • September 7, 2004 The Business Journal Serving Greater Milwaukee, State charges Menards with dumping hazardous waste.
  • March 20,1998 The Business Journal Serving Greater Milwaukee, Sears sues Menards.

Trustee Hanson stated that these are serious issues that need to be addressed. He stated that he understands people are eager to get this measure passed but in light of all of these allegations in the media concerning Menards, he asked what is the rush. He also asked why they have to decide this issue right here, right now?

Trustee Hanson stated that the Village needs to be mindful of whom the Village partners with and at this point the Village needs to be cautious. He asked if the Village needs a partner who does not pay taxes, flaunts EEOC rules and ignores anti-pollution laws.

Trustee Hanson also stated that eleven years ago this Board made a hasty decision when it rushed into another development deal that ended up costing Antioch millions in legal fees. He stated this happened because caution was ignored.

Trustee Hanson stated the fact that the IDNR sent a letter expressing concerns over the environmental study shouldn’t be forgotten. He stated that the right thing should be done for Antioch and that he doesn’t believe that Menards has the Village’s best interest at heart and that they have proven that they are not good business partners.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he has concerns about lack of enforcement under this ordinance. He stated that several residents have expressed the same concerns and that he hasn’t gotten any reassurance that there is an inspection team on site to monitor the strict requirements that the ordinance attempts to put in place. He also stated that he would like to know if there is a possibility that the information included in section 6 is even doable.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he concurs with Trustee Hanson’s comments about the investigation of ongoing Menards issues. He stated that he would like to again express what he thinks is a misstated and construed argument that makes it’s way into the papers and at this Board, which is that the community wants Menards and needs the tax dollars. He stated that there is no doubt that Phase 2 will occur and questions the rush to make it happen, especially given the evidence that there are major concerns with Phase 1. He stated that they are giving the okay to develop Phase 2, which is unnecessarily early. He stated that the ordinance makes an attempt to prevent the start of Phase 2, until Phase 1 is complete. He also stated he doesn’t understand the reason for the rush.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he has noticed an inconsistency with the Trustees regarding their approval of developments. He stated that the rapid approval of Phase 2 seems inconsistent with past behaviors of the Board concerning residents environmental and development concerns. He stated that he is perplexed by the fact that the majority are ready to approve this development when it wasn’t too long ago that it was the minority or at least a split and he hasn’t seen anything come across his desk to indicate a sense of urgency to get this done.

Trustee Pierce stated that in regards to section 6, since Village Staff didn’t follow up he suggests that this be changed to “…Any fines so collected shall be utilized by the Village of Antioch for use in the protection and restoration of Little Silver Lake.”

Trustee Pierce stated that he is sorry that people are perplexed since there has been a lot of hard work over the years. He called the question.

Trustee Larson stated that she would amend her second to include the changes recommended.

Trustee Turner amended the motion. She also stated that Trustees can change their mind and that Trustee Caulfield has changed his mind. She stated that she is just as perplexed since this has been an expensive undertaking and that they are trying to get good honest sales tax for the community. She stated this has not been rushed; that there have been committee meetings, public hearings, testimony and meetings with the Lake County Health Department Lakes Division. She stated that she is extremely proud of the work that has been done. She also stated that outside of our community, engineers are talking about what was done with this development. She stated that she hopes any future development in Antioch is held to the same standards as this development.

Mayor Maravelas asked if there is a sewer line on Route 173. Attorney Long stated that there is not. Mayor Maravelas asked how the Trustees can vote without any a sewer line in place.

Trustee Pierce stated that he had called the question. Trustee Larson seconded the call. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner
NO: 2: Caulfield and Hanson

On roll call for the motion, the vote was:
YES: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner
NO: 2: Caulfield and Hanson

Building Code Update – Trustee Turner stated this had been discussed at the last committee meeting and asked Director Silhan to give an update.

Director Silhan stated that Inspector Rantz and Inspector Henning had done a good part of the updates. He stated that the updates are being done as a result of the findings from the Insurance Institute and that the code will be adopted with local amendments at the next meeting.

Zoning Map Update – Director Silhan stated that this will be discussed at the upcoming Planning and Zoning Board meeting and that a zoning map is required by state statute. He stated that the zoning map will be in a new format because it has been done on GIS and it will also be available on the web site after it’s passed.

INDUSTRIAL, RETAIL, REDEVELOPMENT, CIVIC AND COMMUNICATIONS Orchard Street Closure for 885 Civic Club Carnival – Trustee Porch stated at the last meeting the 885 Civic Club Carnival was approved with the closure of the Orchard Street Extension, with the closure date to be approved at this meeting. She stated that Trustee Hanson stressed the importance of holding a Public Safety meeting with all of the Trustees in attendance; however when he held it this morning, he neglected to contact any of the Trustees to see if they would be able to attend.

Trustee Porch made a motion to close the Orchard Street Extension the Tuesday before the date the Carnival will start at 7:00 pm, with the carnival utilizing the municipal lot on the east side of Main Street on the Monday before the carnival. Trustee Turner seconded the motion.

Trustee Hanson stated that he calls his committee meeting and asks the Clerk to do her job by text messaging the Trustees. He stated that it is not his responsibility, as an elected official; to make sure every Trustee will be able to attend. Trustee Porch stated that it is his responsibility to make sure that the committee members can attend. Trustee Hanson stated that if correct procedures are followed that he is not supposed to talk to committee members, even to tell them of a meeting. Trustee Porch stated that is why he is supposed to instruct the Clerk to call the committee members. She stated that the Clerk did not notify anyone until after the meeting was set. Trustee Hanson stated that was not his fault.

Trustee Hanson asked Clerk Monroe if he asked her to contact the Trustees. Clerk Monroe stated that the Trustees were notified.

Trustee Hanson stated that Trustee Pierce notified him that he wouldn’t be able to attend and stated that he knew that Trustee Larson was out of town.

Trustee Larson stated that she was not out of town but that she wasn’t given the courtesy of a phone call to see if this was a convenient time for her.

Trustee Hanson stated that this is a matter of Public Safety, a very important issue. He stated that the meeting was held this morning with members of the 885 Civic Club, three members from Public Safety Agencies, Administrator Probst and the Clerk. He stated that he suggests that this be turned over to staff to make a recommendation to the Board. He also stated that he got a call after the meeting from an 885 Civic Club member and they have until March to get the posters printed.

Public Safety Inspector Shannon stated that the meeting was held this morning and that all but one of the public safety agencies were present. He stated that there are concerns and that a plan is needed for all events that shut down the Orchard Street Extension. He stated that there are serious issues that need to be addressed. He stated that he would like to have another meeting this week to get these issues put to rest.

Inspector Shannon stated that the meeting had to be held this morning because of his constraints and apologized that it was last minute. He stated he wanted to make sure to get a meeting in since that is what was discussed at the last Board Meeting.

Trustee Pierce asked if they were discussing closing the Orchard Street Extension or looking for a different site. Inspector Shannon stated that they were discussing a plan to make events safe and reduce dollars spent.

Trustee Larson stated that this was brought up about 6 or 9 months ago and asked why this hadn’t been dealt with before. She stated that it appears as though this is a last minute attempt to force the 885 Civic Club to change their location.

Inspector Shannon stated that when this was first brought up a Trustee was asked to hold a meeting and then it got dumped on Public Safety at the last meeting, because the other meeting was never held.

Trustee Larson asked what plan B is. Inspector Shannon stated that is what will be done at the meeting they would like to have with the Public Safety Agencies.

Trustee Pierce asked Margaret Cole, an 885 Civic Club Member, when the signage had to be done. Ms. Cole stated that it has to be done by mid March. Ms. Cole added that she agrees with Mr. Shannon and that the carnival should be held wherever it will be the safest.

Trustee Pierce stated that he is fine with waiting as long as the plan is to make it work on the Orchard Street Extension.

Trustee Hanson stated that he told Inspector Shannon to meet with staff, without the Trustees, and then come back with a recommendation.

Trustee Turner withdrew her second and Trustee Porch withdrew her motion and stated that this will be tabled until the next meeting.

FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATOR Treasurer’s Reports and Draft Statement of Operations – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report ending December 31, 2004, the Treasurer’s Report ending January 31, 2005 and the Draft Statement of Operations dated December 31, 2004 into the record. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Larson questioned the $179,000.83 in the Land Improvements Fund in the Treasurer’s Report ending December 31, 2004. She asked if this amount was from park impact fees. Finance Director Steele explained that this is an adjustment for an error that was found. Trustee Larson stated that $179,000.83 was added and then the next month $91,637.27 was removed. Director Steele stated that she couldn’t answer those questions but that she could get the details and report back. Trustee Larson stated that these adjustments concern her. Director Steele stated that prior period adjustments are done because of errors found from using Excel spreadsheets. Director Steele also stated that she understands that this is frustrating and that is why she is so excited about the financial software.

Trustee Porch asked why, if the report is for the month ending December 31, 2004, the beginning balance is as of November 1, 2004. Director Steele stated that it is a mistake. Trustee Porch pointed out that the same thing occurred on the January report. Director Steele stated that this is a manual report. Trustee Porch stated that there are a lot of people in the Finance Department.

Trustee Pierce asked when the finance software will be implemented. Director Steele stated that it will be done in phases. Trustee Pierce stated that he doesn’t want to know about phases, he wants to know when it will be implemented. Director Steele stated that it will be done in June.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he is listening to nonsense and canned speeches and that it is nothing but politics and a waste of time. He stated that the finances of the Village were a mess for decades and that if they want to know why it is taking so long to be corrected they should look in the mirror.

Trustee Pierce stated that when the finance software was on the agenda that Trustee Caulfield wanted to wait to vote on it till the next meeting but that the other Trustees voted to approve it right away.

Trustee Turner stated that Trustee Caulfield is blaming members of the Board but that the original study stated that three million dollars was missing. Trustee Caulfield stated that she misunderstood and that the study never said it was missing just that it was unaccounted for. Trustee Turner stated that perception is reality.

Trustee Hanson called the question. Trustee Pierce seconded the call. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

On roll call for the motion, the vote was:
YES: 2: Caulfield and Hanson
NO: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner

Trustee Caulfield stated that he wanted to make sure he understood and that the Board just voted to not accept the reports into the record. Trustee Larson stated he understood correctly.

Back Hoe Financing Recommendation – Trustee Hanson stated that he asked Director Steele to come up with a recommendation to pay for the Back Hoe. He also stated that the Village does have the money to pay for the Back Hoe.

Director Steele stated that the choices are to pay with cash or short term financing, since the Village has a low fund balance. She stated that spreading the cost with short term financing will be smoother and will help keep more in the fund balance in case of an emergency.

Trustee Pierce asked if she was referring to tax anticipation warrant. Director Steele stated that she is referring to a short-term loan at 4% interest.

Trustee Hanson stated that there is not a penalty if it is paid off early.

Trustee Caulfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Hanson, to approve the purchase of the Back Hoe with the financing option. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Invoices over $10,000 – Trustee Caulfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Hanson, to authorize a payment to Visu-Sewer Clean & Seal, in the amount of $24,735.82 for the Village sanitary sewer lining project, a payment to National Waterworks, in the amount of $11,916.00 for meters, a payment to Lauterbach & Amen, in the amount of $30,000.00 for the FY 04 audit, a payment to The Jeff Diver Group, in the amount of $19,093.91 for the acid spill issue, a payment to BCBS, in the amount of $58,633.48 for employee health insurance and a payment to Smith Engineering, in the amount of $16,128.50 for Clublands Phase 3 East construction observation, totaling $160,507.71. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Accounts Payable – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to approve the accounts payable, date February 7, 2005, in the amount of $394,723.36, as prepared by Village staff. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Larson asked what the payment to Onyx Waste Service was for? Trustee Caulfield stated that it has been on the report for at least 4 years and that it is for some recycling or a bin at one of the Village complexes.

Trustee Porch stated that an invoice for Smith Engineering was just approved for $16,000.00 but that on the check register the check is for $54,000.00. She asked if every other check to Smith Engineering is under $10,000.00. Trustee Caulfield stated that is correct. Trustee Porch stated that it adds up to a lot and suggested considering adding them all on the Invoices Over $10,000.00 Report. Trustee Caulfield stated that if she likes that every invoice for all vendors could be included. Trustee Porch stated that it is an awful lot of small invoices or almost $10,000.00 invoices and that it should be consider for the future.

Director Steele stated that with the new software they might be able to provide the reports in a different format that is helpful.

Trustee Pierce stated that approximately $20,000.00 was spent on street salt and that Mr. Frillman brought up the use of brine this meeting and that at the last meeting he provided information to the staff and that maybe a savings can been seen for the Village. Trustee Hanson stated that it is a point well taken and that it will be looked at for the upcoming budget.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Manual Checks – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to approve manual checks written to date in the amount of $1,299,111.27. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he disagrees with the format and that he discussed it with the Finance Director but that it is an interim report that should be changed with the new software. He stated that he is anticipating questions as to why there is over a million dollars in manual checks. He stated that the SSA expenditures are listed and that they are just a pass through.

Trustee Porch asked if there will be SSA check numbers in the future. Trustee Caulfield stated that he cannot answer that question. Attorney Long stated that the checks are paid through Cole Taylor and that the Trustees have to approve the dispersement.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Payroll – Trustee Caulfield made a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $228,883.68 for January 28, 2005. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he wanted to call attention to the discrepancy on the agenda, which stated December 31, 2004.

Trustee Porch asked if the Senior Center Director is being paid from the Dolly Spiering account. Director Steele stated that payroll checks are processed together and then once a month the money is removed from the Dolly Spiering account and provided to the payroll company.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Escrow Invoices – Trustee Caulfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to accept the escrow invoices totaling $43,934.88.

Trustee Porch asked if a process has been established since the last meeting for escrow? Attorney Long stated that a process is being worked on. Trustee Porch asked when it will be resolved. Director Steele stated that the biggest problem was with Neumann and since they’ve paid it should help.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Other Business – Trustee Caulfield stated that the finance staff took a beating tonight and that he wanted to commend them for their hard work. He stated that the changes aren’t happening as quickly as he would like but it is picking up and that it because of the finance staff’s hard work.

Park Impact Fees – Trustee Larson stated that she has been asking the finance staff how much money should be in the park impact fees and based on a memo she received dated January 18, 2005 it appears that the total is 999,714.14. She stated that after removing the amount owed to Neumann it leaves $325,638.

Trustee Larson made a motion to deposit $325,638.00 from the general fund into an interest bearing restricted account to be identified as “Park Impact Fee Account”, which is over and above the Neumann Agreement of $663,564.54. This figure was derived from a memo from Joy McCarthy of our finance department dated January 18, 2005 showing available funds owed to Parks from collected impact fees. There shall be no withdrawals from this account without the approval of the Village Board of Trustees. Future park impact fees collected shall be deposited into this account within two (2) business days of collection. A financial report of this restricted account shall be provided by the Village Finance Director to the Mayor and the Board of Trustees at the second Board Meeting of each month. The report shall disclose prior balance, itemized authorized withdrawals, itemized deposits (showing the source of the deposits) and ending balance for the period of the report. Itemized request for disbursements from the restricted park fee account shall accompany the report. Trustee Pierce seconded the motion.

Trustee Hanson stated that what he has been hearing from different reports, the auditor and Director Steele is that having separate accounts is harder to manage and not good accounting practice. He asked how this will impact Director Steele.

Director Steele stated that she has researched this topic and that having multiple bank accounts is not considered good cash management by the ICMA, the GFOA or the IGFOA. She stated that she asked the auditor about this and they will be getting a management comment on this issue because the Village has so many accounts. She read a statement from the auditor regarding the multiple bank accounts.

Director Steele stated that she understands the need for security; especially considering the Village’s financial past.

Trustee Larson stated that park impact fees can be used for specific uses only, which is why she feels they should be in a separate account. She also stated that if this motion is passed that she will be calling a committee meeting and requesting that the documentation be shown to her.

Director Steele stated that any time any of the Trustees want documentation that they are free to come to her office and ask for it. Trustee Larson stated that she understands that but that she has never seen a breakdown of what should be in park impact fee money. Director Steele stated that she thought trustee Larson had received a report by address and if she didn’t get it then Director Steele would be happy to give her another copy. Trustee Larson stated that it changes daily without any explanation for the changes.

Director Steele stated that she understands that the current system has caused a lot of problems but that her request is that Trustee Larson wait until the new software is in place.

Trustee Hanson stated that they could all argue the point that this isn’t the only fund or department that might need a separate account but Director Steele was hired because of her experience and she’s telling us of experts that advise against doing this.

Trustee Porch asked Trustee Larson if she made a copy of her motion. Trustee Larson stated that she made some. Trustee Porch stated that she would like to see a copy before the Board goes further. Copies were made and passed out to the Trustees.

Trustee Pierce stated that by his estimation the Village has collected this year close to a million dollars and close to a million dollars the year before and probably $500,000.00 the year before and that every year maybe $100,000.00 has been spent on park improvements. He asked where the money is? He also stated that by law park impact fees can only be used for certain items and that it they aren’t used in 7 years that they have to be paid back to the developer. He asked what other developers might the Village owe money to?

Trustee Caulfield asked Director Steele if she is comfortable with the dollar amount that the Board may decide to put in the account. Director Steele stated that she is as of the January 18, 2005 date.

Trustee Larson stated that this is a starting number and that she sees some transfers from 1999 and 2000 that amount to almost $300,000.00 that she would like identified, to determine if a pay back plan is needed. She stated that she would like staff to investigate this and determine if a payback plan is needed.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he would like equal treatment and that if they are going to go back in one account to 1999 then he would like the door to be opened to go back to 1999 in all accounts.

Trustee Larson stated that the Park Board asked to go back 7 years because legally they are required to pay back the developers if the money is not used in 7 years.

Trustee Caulfield stated kind of like legally if a bond is floated to put a water tower up then legally one should be put up or explain where the money went. He also stated that if they get $600,000.00 from a settlement with Waste Management then they should be accountable to tax payers on where the money went. He stated that this Board up until now has handcuffed him in not allowing the Village to look back but they can look back for park transactions. He stated that it reeks of the unaccountability to the taxpayers that was expressed tonight in the Board vote of Menards and of the special interest for the parks fund.

Trustee Hanson asked Director Steele if the same thing that Trustee Larson is asking for can be accomplished by doing it the way that Director Steele recommends? Director Steele stated yes and that it can be verified by bank statements, which is third party verification.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner
NO: 2: Caulfield and Hanson

Mayor Maravelas asked with this account how many bank accounts the Village has now, about 35? Director Steele stated that it is now 17, that there were more because she closed some.

Trustee Larson stated that she is asking for a Park and License Committee Meeting this Thursday at 3:55 pm so that they can provide documentation.

Neumann Homes Park Impact Fees Agreement – Trustee Larson stated that there were some changes to the agreement.

Attorney Long stated that there were some changes to the agreement from what was included in the agenda packet. He explained and read the changes to the documents.

Trustee Larson explained for everyone that this agreement is to pay back Neumann Homes $663,564.54 for park fees that were collected in error. She stated that Neumann met their obligation through land donations and developments going on at the site. She stated that Neumann is kind enough to not charge the Village interest and will be using the money that was collected for park improvements.

Trustee Hanson stated that the wanted to make it clear that both sides were to blame. He also stated that maybe they should set up a separate account for this as well.

Both Trustees Larson and Pierce stated that is what the agreement requires.

Attorney Long stated that it does not require a separate account just a separate fund.

Trustee Larson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Turner, to approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the agreement.

Trustee Pierce stated that the Trustees should think carefully about this because it gives Neumann a tie that doesn’t allow the Village to escape and the Village should just have done a repayment plan.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5: Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 1: Pierce

PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES Dump Truck Recommendation – Trustee Hanson made a motion to purchase the Dump Truck in the amount of $78,499.00, with the Finance Director to come back at the next meeting with a recommendation to either purchase the vehicle with cash or through financing. Trustee Caulfield seconded the motion.

Trustee Caulfield asked why they don’t just make the motion to purchase the vehicle with financing and save a half hour of discussion at the next Board meeting.

Director Steele stated that if the vehicle is going to be financed that it has to be specified in the motion.

Trustee Pierce stated that he is not going to vote yes and he knows that Public Works needs trucks. He stated that during the last snow the day after the snow by 11:00 in the morning they were plowing the parking lot behind the businesses on the east side of Main Street* and they should have been plowing neighborhoods. He also stated that they should take a look at what the trucks are being used, since $70,000 is being spent for a salt spreader when they should be looking into a brine spreader.

Trustee Hanson stated that the parking lots have to be opened up because the businesses are also taxpayers. He also stated that he thinks the Public Works staff does an excellent job with the equipment that they have.

Trustee Turner stated that she was going through some paper work at home and that a dump truck was requested last year and if trucks will be needed every year. She also asked why the truck last year was about $59,000.00. Trustee Hanson stated that it depends on how the truck is equipped. Trustee Pierce added that the truck from last year didn’t have a salt spreader included.

Trustee Larson asked why they don’t wait to order this until closer to next year, if it won’t be in service until next winter. Trustee Hanson stated that it takes about 5 or 6 months after it’s ordered, to get the vehicle.

Trustee Porch stated that the memo states the money was budgeted and asked if it is sitting in the account. Director Steele stated that it is. Trustee Porch asked if money was budgeted for this vehicle. Director Steele stated that it was.

Trustee Hanson brought up that they might be able to fund a snowplow from the SSA. Trustee Turner stated she believes that the SSA already funded a plow.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 2: Caulfield and Hanson
NO: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner

Trustee Porch asked Director Steele to bring financing options for the vehicle to the next Board meeting.

PARKS AND LICENSE Raffle Licenses – Trustee Larson made a motion to issue a raffle license the Antioch Township Republican Club, for April 2, 2005, waiving the fee. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion.

Attorney Long stated that the fee could not be waived for a political entity.

Trustee Larson asked how much the fee is, so that the club could be notified. Clerk Monroe stated that it is $25.00

Trustee Hanson amended his second and Trustee Larson amended the motion to not waive the fee.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Trustee Larson made a motion to issue a raffle license to the Antioch Community High School, for February 15, 2005 through March 12, 2005, waiving the fee. Trustee Turner seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Tag Day Request – Trustee Larson motioned to approve the tag day request from the VFW Post 4551, Buddy Poppy Days, May 13, 2005 and May 14, 2005. Trustee Porch seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Summer Day Camp Fees and Payment Restructure – Trustee Larson made a motion, seconded by Trustee Porch, to adopt the new policy.

Mayor Maravelas asked when the last time that the fees were raised. Parks Director Stahl stated that it was three years ago.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Scout House Usage – Trustee Larson stated that this was discussed at the last Park Board meeting and after discussion of how the building would be used. She stated that the Scouts had used the building exclusively but that is no longer feasible. She stated that it won’t impact the current Scouts usage and that the Parks Department will use it at times that the Scouts aren’t using it.

Trustee Larson also stated that other groups using Village facilities are being asked to provide financially for the utilities. She stated that in lieu of asking the Scouts to provide financially the Scouts will continue to provide services to the community.

Trustee Larson asked if a motion is needed or if they just accept this.

Mayor Maravelas stated that if they make a motion for this Village property then it will need to be done for all Village properties.

Attorney Long stated that this has always been an informal agreement so there is no need to formalize it.

Mayor Maravelas asked how many square feet the building is. Director Stahl stated that she didn’t know. He asked how many rooms there are. Director Stahl stated that two rooms and a basement. Mayor Maravelas asked if the basement is usable. Director Stahl stated that the Scouts use it but that it’s not finished.

Trustee Caulfield asked if the maintenance issues, included in the agenda packet, have been addressed. Director Stahl stated that all have been addressed except for the partitions in the bathroom and that is being worked on.

Other Business – Trustee Larson stated that the date of the second Board Meeting in February was listed incorrectly in the Newsletter and asked that the correct date be put on the Internet.

ENGINEERING AND SENIOR SERVICES Utility Tax Update – Trustee Pierce asked if the utility tax ended. Director Steele stated that it had ended and that it was verified with a staff member’s phone bill.

Trustee Pierce asked for the amount collected. Director Steele stated she would have to check.

Hiring Freeze – Trustee Pierce stated in light of the concerns over the Village’s finances and issues with the park impact fees and Neumann Home fees that he makes the following motion, to initiate an immediate hiring freeze to include all part time or full employees, including all contract extensions and agreements, with the exception of summer employees for Parks and Public Works for a duration of 5 months, excluding any position voted on by the Board as a whole for emergency reasons.

Mayor Maravelas asked if this includes Police and Fire personnel. Attorney Long added paramedics and dispatchers. Trustee Pierce stated that they come before the Board for those positions.

Attorney Long asked about replacements.

Trustee Pierce stated that the Village Board can approve those. He also stated that they have never controlled the hiring or firing of paramedics and the fire department.

Trustee Larson seconded the motion.

Trustee Porch asked if this pertained to new hires or replacements. Trustee Pierce stated that he is referring to any position with the Village of Antioch, including the Village Hall, Public Works, Public Safety, Building Inspectors, any where that the Village normally hires, which excludes rescue and fire. He also stated that he included an option for emergency hires.

Trustee Turner asked if an emergency inspector would be needed, what would be done? Trustee Pierce stated that it would have to be brought before the Board. He stated that his concern is that about $650,000.00 that have to be transferred to a special fund for Neumann Homes and about $350,000.00 that have to be transferred to a special fund for park impact fees and that last summer there was a budget that was balanced perfectly and later he finds out that there is a deficit of 1.8 million dollars to the balance.

Mayor Maravelas asked Administrator Probst is he thinks he’ll need to hire anyone in the next 5 months. Administrator Probst stated that he can’t foresee anything, except if a replacement needs to be done.

Trustee Porch asked if replacements would have to come before the Board for permission to fill the spot, that the Board would not have any authority over who is hired. Trustee Pierce stated that they would have to come before the Board to authorize hiring the position and the Board would decide if there is a need to hire someone.

Mayor Maravelas asked Trustee Pierce if he is doing this because the Village has no money. Trustee Pierce stated that he is doing this because Director Steele keeps saying the Village doesn’t have an emergency reserve.

Mayor Maravelas asked Director Steele to read the amount of money off of the Treasurer’s Report. Trustee Larson stated that the document wasn’t approved. Trustee Caulfield stated that it doesn’t matter if it was approved, that it is a report that shows the Village’s condition.

Director Steele stated that it is 11 million including fiduciary funds.

Trustee Turner asked if a particular department provided due cause as to why a position was needed, that the Board could override this.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner
NO: 2: Caulfield and Hanson

Newsletter Policy Revision – Trustee Pierce made a motion to revise the Village Newsletter Policy to exclude any written communications from members of the Village Board, including the Mayor, and recognizing the need to communicate important information to the Village residents the Village Administrator shall be authorized to put important information in the Newsletter as needed.

Trustee Caulfield stated that he thinks that pretty much sums up the three political items under the Engineering and Senior Services Committee.

Trustee Larson seconded the motion.

Trustee Hanson stated that the whole thing is being taken out of context as to what the Newsletter is about.

Trustee Pierce stated that the letter was a page long and at the end of it says “please join us for the future” that he might as well say vote for me, Taso Maravelas.

Trustee Caulfield stated that Trustee Pierce has done a pretty good job tonight of trying to stop the flow of information to the residents. He stated that Trustee Pierce shutdown the Board’s discussion of a very important development issue and now you’re attempting to even further cut communication. He stated that for a campaign that Trustee Pierce is involved with that is advocating open, honest communication that his actions up here are contrary to that kind of commitment.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 4: Pierce, Larson, Porch and Turner
NO: 2: Caulfield and Hanson

ATTORNEY Ordinance 05-02-02 – Trustee Turner made a motion, seconded by Trustee Larson, to approve and publish in pamphlet form an ordinance 05-02-02, entitled AN ORDINANCE REVISING THE GENERAL PARK RULES.

Trustee Porch stated that she thought that section 8-4-4 was revised to allow an area for smoking. Attorney Long stated that he was not directed to include that. Director Stahl added that was the Park Board recommendation but that it is the Board’s decision.

Trustee Porch stated that there should be a designated area. Trustee Pierce stated that he agrees.

Attorney Long stated that he doesn’t know how it would be policed and suggested adding, “…any park building, shelter or designated grounds.”

Trustee Larson amended her second and Trustee Larson amended her motion to include “…any park building, shelter or designated grounds.”

Director Stahl stated that she wanted to make sure that the Trustees understand that this gives her the ability to approve Park Rental Alcohol Requests.

On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Executive Session – A motion was made by Trustee Turner for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to move into executive session, at 10:55 pm. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

Return – Trustee Turner made a motion for the Mayor and the Board of Trustees to return from Executive Session to the open meeting at 11:19 pm, with no action having been taken. Trustee Hanson seconded the motion. On roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Larson, Caulfield, Porch, Hanson and Turner
NO: 0

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Trustee Turner and seconded by Trustee Hanson to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at 11:20 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Amy S. Monroe, Village Clerk

*Clerk’s Note:
Trustee Pierce made a request, which was approved by the Trustees through their vote, to add “the parking lot behind the businesses on the east side of Main Street”. After reviewing the recording from the meeting, Trustee Pierce stated “…parking lots for businesses”.

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